My little fire flame

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Regina's P.O.V.

That idiot. He was going to pay for this. Where the hell did he send me? Darkness. I wasn't sure if I was in a dark room or I was just asleep. I could hear my heartbeats. They were getting weaker and weaker. What was going to happen to my baby? Was my little wonder alive? Was my child alright? What was going to happen to us?

I'm not sure for how long I stayed like that, but I felt a wave of magic hitting me. For a second, my heart stopped beating, just to beat quicker and stronger afterwards. I could feel my body, so I tried to open my eyes. Light made it's way to my brown eyes, at first it felt like they woul burn, but, as I got used to it, I fully opened them.

The ceiling from my personal chambers. Light coming from my balcony. I turned my head to the right and saw smoke coming from the fireplace, a cup of tea on the bedside table and... a milk bottle? I then turned to left and saw Rumple laying down beside me. He was wearing just a gray tshirt and his hair was messy. He is so sweet. Between us was a little... thing... a... baby?! I raised on my elbows and looked at my belly. I wasn't far during my pregnancy but now... my body was back to normal and, also, I was wearing a white dress, a simple white dress. Did....did I...

I aggressively shook Rumple's shoulder. He started to open his eyes, he was tired, that much was obvious. He looked at me for a few seconds, then... realization hit him. "REGINA!!!! YOUR AWAKE!!!" He pulled me in a hug. I couldn't exactly breathe, but I leted him enjoy it. "YOU SCARED ME TO DEATH! ARE YOU ALL RIGHT?!?!?" Ok, well I must say...that even if I know Rumple cares for me... I didn't thought he cares that much. I was hugging him back and I could swear that he was sobbing and shaking. I was so preoccupied with what Rumple was doing that I didn't even realize I had tears in my eyes, or I did, but later, when he pulled back and dried my tears with his thumb. "Regina, my Queen, my love, are you okay?"

I nodded my head and kissed him. I could tell he was taken aback by my action, but he didn't complain, he kissed me back. I heard a little yawn on the background. When I pulled back I faced the baby on the bed. I was suddenly reminded that my baby wasn't in my belly anymore, but on the bed. "Is.... is this..." I pointed to the child and looks like Rumple understood my question, because he went near the little wonder and took....him?... in his arms. He came back to me and handed me the baby. I was already crying "Hello, there..." the child spread his arms in front of me, touching my cheek with his little fingers. He was so hair, his father's nose and skin...oh he was so sweet! And he was my baby. My child. Mine and Rumple's. We were a family. Tears started running down my cheeks...again... I slowly went in my love's arms and he pulled me in another hug and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

I have no ideea how we got back on the bed, but we were all laying on it, the little one between us. "Rumple, how did this happen?" I gestured at the baby.

"Well... I had to do something to keep both of you alive, so.... the only way was to make you give birth to our son. I'm sorry. I know you would have wanted to know and to see it happening, but I couldn't let you die." He brushed a few strands of my hair. I placed my right hand on his chest and tightened my grip on my son, who was placed at my breast.

"It's alright, Rumple. You did what you had to do. But... how the hell did I weak up?"

~20 minutes ago~

Rumple just finished feeding his little man, so it was time for a nap....for the both of them. This routine became boring and it ate all of his energy. When he was waking up, he didn't even made it to the bathroom, because the baby would wake up and cry for food. After feeding him, he would eat something himself and then check on his lover. For a week nothing changed. Regina was laying on the bed, her chest slowly raising. He would go outside and show the royal gardens to his son. Then back in the castel, eat, sleep and outside again, until dawn. Then he would feed the little one and sleep near his Queen and his little man. He got tired if all of this. He loved his baby, with all his heart. He loved spending time with him. But not being able to hear his lovers voice and not being able to give a name to his son was eating him alive.

Rumple placed the child onto the bed, near Regina. They were both exhausted. He went under the covers and placed a kiss on both his loved ones foreheads. It didn't take him a lot to fall asleep. He just closed his eyes and....and was woken up by someone strongly shaking his shoulder!

(3rd person)

Regina was asking him how it happend, but he wasn't sure. It couldn't have been true loves kiss....right? Yes, he kissed Regina with all his love and he loved her with all his soul, had to come from both sides...and he wasn't sure if she loved him as much as he loved her. The baby was an accident, a wonderful accident, but an accident. He always cared for the Queen, but never thought she cared for him as well. And now... she was asking him how she woke up and how she became pregnant... and he couldn't find any other answer but this one....they were true love. That they succeeded to breake Regina's fertility curse and the one that moron cast on her. If he would say it out loud...would she believe him?

"I... I don't... I don't know. I'm not sure."

"But you do have a theory, don't you?" Regina raised that perfect eyebrow of hers. She didn't have make up, but she didn't even need it. She looked perfect. She could intimidate people just like that.

"There... may be something.... but...." He had to say it, and he knew this. "Ithinkitwastruelove'skiss" Inhale... Exhale... Inhale... Exhale...

All Regina did was to smile. A huge happy and satisfied smile. He loved her. That was all she needed to know. She grabbed Rumple's head and kissed him passionately. He loved her, so he kissed her back, but more roughly. The baby between them looked up at his parents confused, but he could tell that they were happy, so he giggled, to remind them that he was still there. "Now we should give you name, shouldn't we?.....Hmmm... Aiden.... My little fire flame... You like it?" The baby giggled again and both the parents smiled, knowing that nothing will tear them apart ever again.

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