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Previous chapter:

Seriously?! Here he was, the second person who knew, the one who found out on his own that she was pregnant, but couldn't realize that this child was his!!

He had to be kiding, right?

Regina's facial expression was showing all her thoughts, especially her confusion. Her mouth was agape and her eyes were trying to read Rumple's mind. She didn't succeed. They remained like that, frozen.

A few seconds later, he stood up from his chair, and with a cat like stile, he walked towards her. A grin slowly appearing on his lips and his eyes sparkling.

"Congratulations..." he paused "...to me..." he spoke in a slow and victorious voice. He didn't want to show it, but he was very happy that he had another chance at fatherhood. One that he was not going to waste. He was not going to loose another child. He'll prove, most probably just to himself, that he can be a good father.

The Queen leted out the breath she didn't know she was holding. Of course he was playing with my mind, that's his job. If he wouldn't at least try to do that, I would must probably think he've gone crazy. That's what Regina explained to herself, but was interrupted by the imp's giggle.

Now he was staying just a foot away from her and was smiling, but in a more tender way than he would normal do, or like.

"Well, then, tell me, dearie, what was the point in waiting for me to tell you about it if you already knew?" Regina asked with a playful smile and trying not to laugh. She knew the answer to that question, obviously, but wanted to see how he will say it.

"Just wanted to see if you will allow me to know about my child and if you will let me be in my child's life. Consider it a test that you have passed!" Rumple said while flocking his wrists in the air.

Exactly the reason that Regina thought he would have for waiting so long. The thing was...she had another question, one that she wasn't sure if she should spill out or keep it for herself. Now that Rumplestiltskin knew about the pregnancy, about their unborn child, could she trust him in being a good father? Could she trust him not to let them both down, just like he did with his first family? Or worse ... could she trust him not to steal the baby away from her, to keep it for himself, or to tread it for something else? It is something that anyone would expect from the great and powerful Dark One.

All these questions troubled and tortured her without mercy. She was, for the first time in...15 years?, scared that something will happen to another person but herself, that something will happen to her child. She couldn't let this baby live a sad and lonely life, like she did. No that won't happen. Over my dead body.

She didn't realize that she had tears in her eyes or that Rumple was now on his knees talking to her and trying to comfort her. She felt like she was in another world somewhere far, far away from Rumple, from the castel, from her kingdom...somewhere where she was alone, just like when Daniel died, or when she married the king... she was afraid that Rumple would let her alone, that he would destroy her life, just like others did. It wouldn't be something new, but she knew that she wouldn't be the only victim this time.

But she came back to reality when she felt her shoulders being shooked.

The Dark One was looking at her with worry in his eyes, something that she never saw coming from him, but calmed down a bit when she looked him directly in those golden eyes of his. Is he actually concerned for me?!

"Regina, are you ok?! What happened?!" His voice was slightly shaking. And sounded more broken than he would have wanted it to, but leted it be like that for the moment.

"I...I'm fine, just...nothing."

"Dearie, you can try to lie as long as you want, but I can't and won't believe it. Do you know why?" She gave him a questioning look. " Because, first off, even if you are a great actress ... I teached you everything you know, so you can't fool me. Second off, you have tears in your eyes and sliding down your cheeks, that you can't exactly hold back. Which is a big fact for the one that doesn't usually let things affect her too much." He said all this things in a calm and casual voice, that was totally unlike him.

Something was wrong with both of them, they knew, but couldn't fight it, and deep down, they didn't want to fight it.

A little laugh left Regina's lips, quickly followed by Rumple's. They smiled at each other for a second. Already too much sweetness for The Evil Queen and The Dark One.

"Ok, well you have some points, but it's nothing I want to talk about." He raised an eyebrow "Really. Don't worry about it. I'll be fine." She gave him a smile, that he could have missed if he wouldn't have been studying her features cearfully.

"Allright, as you say" he obliged as he wiped her tears from her cheeks, and gave her a sympathetic smile.

After they really finished their dinner, they went into her chamber. There they sat in silence for the rest of the evening, on a couch, near the fireplace. Regina fell asleep, with her head resting on Rumple's shoulder and a little smile on her face. The imp stroked her hair for the rest of the night. He, being the Dark One didn't need to sleep, so he stayed up until morning, thinking about his little family.

I will not disappoint them too, no, I will make them happy and protect them both until my last breath. I promise.

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