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Regina's POV

In the past two days I didn't do too much, neither Rumple or daddy wanted me to do work. Rumple started to tell me that I shouldn't do magic either, or at least not very powerful spells. Boring...I mean, yes, I know that magic might hurt my baby, but WHERE IS THE FUN?! Oh, and he specified that I can't break necks because "This, dearie, is one of those sppels that I told you about. It. Is. Too. Powerful. For. A. Pregnant. Woman!" Since I learned magic I never stopped using it, just when I wanted to torture my maids and knights by putting them to do all the work. So what am I supposed to do all these months if I can't use magic?!?!

It was almost sunset and I was staying in front of my beautiful appel tree. It is growing with every passing day. Sometimes I am asking myself if it can grow even more. It is already huge, I can barely reach the appels. Before I found out that I was pregnant I was using magic to take them from the tree  but now...how was I supposed to do it? Hmmm...maybe if I would bring a ladder? I gould try...

But right then my thoughts were interrupted by a masculine voice.

"It really is a beautiful tree, but not as beautiful as you." There he was, coming behind me, with his cat like walk, his chin was high and was wearing an evil, but, still, charming smile. Why do I find this kind of smiles charming?! What's wrong with me?!

Hormones. It had to be the hormones fault.

I turned around to face him. "Well, thank you. But I don't think that comparing me with a tree is exactly that a big compliment." I answered him sarcastically with a smile of my own.

His smile only grew and grabbed me by the waist, pulled me closer and looked me directly in the eyes. I lost myself in his golden polls and couldn't bring myself to look away. And why would I? I felt so save like that, in his arms and looking him in the eyes. It was still strange. We never did things for each other's good. Usually we would help each other by making a deal, so we could  both get something out of it, but now? What was happening? Did this baby really get the two most powerful and feared magic practitioners together? It couldn't be true, right?

But Rumple pulled me even closer and bringed his face just a few inches away from mine.

A little devil inside of my head was telling me that we already have done more than a kiss and that I could use this for getting more power. But something small, which had my father's voice, was telling me that I should give it a try, to help both of us out of the dark.

So, when he touched his lips with mine, I kissed him, but I wasn't sure why I kissed him. I think it was somewhere between the devil and the angel. Gentle, but not too gentle.

We stand there, my lips against his. It felt like an eternity, but when he pulled away, I realized that it was too short.


"No, this is my father." I answered giving all my sass in that comment, because I was out of breath, couldn't exactly think clear, so I though that I should do as much as I can now, before I lose my mind completely.

He leted out a little laugh, before clarifying " I wanted to see if you were able to hear what I am going to say next."

"Oh, and what exactly is that?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I...umm....I was thinking that, maybe, we could move in together?... Like, I know that I already stayed at your place for a few days...the thing is...I want to...be with you and h-help you while this pregnancy, if that is ok for you?" His voice was shaking and it was totally obvious that he couldn't calm his nerves. He is so sweet when he doesn't know how to speak.

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