Dare you

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Regina was in her 16-th  week of pregnancy. Rumple was now staying at her castel day and night. She became used to it by now, but it was still a bit strange to have the Dark One live in her castel. Things were peaceful in the kingdom, a bit too peaceful for Regina's taste. No, let me reformulate that: Things were anormally peaceful. And that day...the Queen found out why.

A knight came in her private chambers, while she was in front of the mirror, with Rumple brushing her long black hair. Again, something a bit strange for the great and powerful Dark One.

"Your majesty, there is something I think you would want to know." The man dressed in black armor said

"Speak!" The Queen ordered, not turning around, just watching him in the mirror. She also saw a smirk appearing on Rumple's lips.

"While I and other men of yours were out, checking the villages, we heard a few people talking" he paused, wanting to know his masters reaction, but saw none "They said that they were going to have a celebration, they, meaning, all the people from all the villages in the kingdom."

"A celebration? What for?" Regina asked a bit confused by the news. She saw that Rumple was just as lost as she was.

"Because they think that the Dark One and The Evil Queen are dead, or gone. Not seeing you, your majesty, for almost two months, must have made them believe this." The knight answered, very proud of the information he had given the Queen.

Regina was disgusted by those peasants. How can they think that The Queen is dead!? Yes, she didn't show her face to them, but seriously! I shall show them how dead they will be for believing such a thing!

"I will die when pigs will naturally grow wings..." Regina muttered to herself, but looks like the imp heard her, because he chuckled.

"Don't worry, dearie. We will pay them a visit. Hey, you, moron! Do you know when this celebration will be happening?" Rumple asked the knight, who was still behind them.

"Tomorrow, sir."

"Then it's settled" The Queen announced, while getting up from her sit and a mischievous smile appeared on her face "I want you to tell me the exact place and time. I have to kill some idiots."

Rumplestiltskin giggled, very proud of his Queen, and ready to help her.

The next day, the Dark One saw Regina examining herself in the full length mirror. She was wearing a long black leather dress, her chest was exposed through a transparent  black peace of lace, her hair was made in a royal ponytail and had a lot of diamonds all over her body. It was obvious that she wanted to make a grand entrance. I love this woman.

"Well look what a Queen we have here...You won't have to say anything, they will die just because they will see you." He said in his most sensual voice, and using a low tone. While saying this, he moved behind her, his hands now on her hips.

"Hmm, that sounds good... but I would actually like to break their necks."

"Oh no, dearie, we can't have you doing that, now can we? I think I was very specific when I said that I 'don't want you to use magic'." He took his hands off of her, earning a scoff from the Queen, and moved in front of her, playing teacher.

"Then how am I supposed to inflict fear?! How am I supposed to kill them?!" She was desperate for magic. She hasn't used magic since she tolled Rumple she was pregnant, which happened A MONTH AGO! But she didn't have much of a choice, did she?

He rolled his eyes and put his hands on her shoulders, in a comforting manner, but she took them off. The hormones start to play themselves out. And now...let's calm down the mad woman...

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