Unconditional love

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"May I have your blessing to marry Regina?" His eyes were full of hope and and his voice was chocked.

Henry looked at Rumplestiltskin up and down, then locked eyes with him. He really loves my daughter.

"Hmmm... Well I am not sure.... You are the Dark One after all..." Henry decided to play a little game that he saw Regina play very often. This way, he will see just how much Rumplestiltskin would do for his daughter.

"I know. But... I love her. I do. I would do anything for her and the baby. I promise." The old man was right. He was the Dark One. And he was untrustworthy. But he really wanted a life with Regina and their son. He would do anything to protect them. "Please, your majesty. May I?" He was acting like a child asking for candy. If Henry would have leted him to beg just one more second he would have thrown himself at his feet.

Luckily for him, he didn't have to do that. Henry started to chuckle and an amused and kind smile appeared on his old face. "You may, son. You may. Actually... I want you to. Regina is so happy since you moved here with us and if you are the one making her so happy, then I command you to marry my daughter."

He exhaled. Relief washed over him. The man is in the mood for jokes, huh? Ok. Than let's make jokes. "Well, I don't do what people tell me to do. So no. I refuse."

Obviously Henry knew they were playing now so he entered the game. "Oh, but please. You, oh, so powerful Rumplestiltskin. I beg you."

"Keep begging, dearie. Keep begging."

They both laughed heartily and exited the stables.

Three.... Two... On- Nononononono. Ok, Rumple, breath. Inhale... Exhale... Let's try again. Three... Two... One... GO!

He was in front of Regina's bedchamber door. The night was fresh and peaceful. Rumple's mind was running around. He was more than happy, he was finally asking her the one question he wanted to ask her for a long time. But he was also scared. He didn't like to admit it, but he was. More than he was when he asked her father. His relationship with Regina had lots of ups and downs along the years. They have been friends... enemies... lovers... There have been hate... love... pain... joy... So he wouldn't blame her if she would say no... He had hurt her when she was younger. The thing is that now he learned to recognize his real feelings and he knew what he felt towards her. What he always felt towards her. And that was... love. He always loved her but he was too stubborn to admit it to even himself.

He pressed on the doorknob and pushed. He found his beloved one in front of her mirror. Obviously. He smiled brightly and took in another deep breath. He had a plan. And he really hoped he won't screw it up.

"Rumple, dear, are you going to stay there the whole night or talk with me?" The brunette felt his magic outside of her bedchamber and then saw his reflection in the mirror. Regina simply adored seeing him like this in front of her. It happened two times before. First was during the night when she told him she was pregnant and the second one when he asked her if he can move in with her. She knew she enjoyed it too much, but she couldn't help it.

"Am I not allowed to admire your beauty, my queen?" He raised an eyebrow at her, stepping closer.

"Oh, but of course you are. It's just that I thought something was wrong with you. You look troubled. What is it dear?" She stood up and met his gaze. Regina smiled at him sweetly and totally curios.

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