I'll make the next step

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She knew she touched a sensible topic when she saw the anger in Regina's eyes. Well this is going to be fun...

"Oh... well, of course he is a prince, he is my grandson after all... now, please, darling, tell me where he is." Cora had that honey sweet voice, but for Regina, it was more like poison. A poison that she didn't want her little Aiden to taste. She didn't wish for her son to end up like her and her mother, his grandmother. Just the thought that the little boy had the "luck" to have Cora's blood made her own boil. She wasn't going to let her mother win. Not now when she had a family to protect.

"So you can do what with him?" The Queen asked raising an eyebrow at her mother. She knew that Cora either wanted to take him away and corrupt him or kill him... or get rid of him in anyway possible.

Rumplestiltskin came to her side by now, his right hand on her waist and the other prepared to make a fire ball... or throw Cora against the wall... or chock her... whatever came to him first.

The two lovers heard slow steps on the hall, knowing very well that it was Regina's father. Luckily for them, Cora didn't notice it yet. "Say 'hello' to him, of course. I have the right to meet my grandson, right?" She was stepping closer to the couple.

"You would have that right if we wouldn't know who and how you really are, dearie. We know that you are, literally, heartless, that you are desperate for power and would do anything for it... so, give us a good reason to let you anywhere near our son." Rumple hissed at her between gritted theet. His nails were digging into his palm and his grip onto Regina's waist became stronger.

"Oh, for God's sake! And that is what said the man who let his own son fall in a por-" she didn't get to finish her sentence, Regina didn't get to tell her to shut up and Rumple didn't get to chop her head off, because the Queen of Hearts saw her husband, Henry, standing in the doorway with the baby boy in his arms. "Henry, dear, thank you! I was actually looking for this little brat-uuugghhhh I mean prince." She quickly went by Henry's side and tried to take the baby away from him, but he took a few steps back. He shook his head and made a few uh-uh sounds.

Little Aiden, feeling his grandmother's dark magic and negative energy towards him, started to cry. One like no other. Rumple spent a week with him, but never heard him cry like that. And, if he tried to remember, he didn't hear this kind of scream from Belfire either. For a moment he thought that the glasses will shatter, just like his head. Luckily, they didn't. Cora was in shock as well. Regina was a big crier, but she never did it like this. The brunette seemed the only one to keep herself calm. She came closer to her little boy, took him from her father's arms and started to sing him a lullaby. Regina walked with him around the big windows, rocking him in her arms. He eventually calmed down.

Rumple and Henry couldn't take their eyes off those two. The dark one was amazed about what he found: the perfect woman and, with her, he created a beautiful little prince. He simply forgot that Cora was there and about everything around him. He knew just one thing: He loved that woman and his son to no ends.

Cora was stunned. Her daughter hated her. Her grandson already hated her. Henry didn't feel the tiniest bit of sympathy for her. Rumple was in love with her daughter. The man that loved her, loved her daughter more.

She knew that even if they cared for her, she couldn't care for them in return, because she didn't have her heart. And she wasn't planning on putting it back in her chest. No. But it was frustrating. She actually came here just to see her grandson, but now... she had another plan.

"Regina, dear... can I please hold him? Just a bit. Please."

Regina chuckled "Oh, really? Do you think I'm that stupid? I'm not going to fall for that, thank you very much. I'm not risking it."

"Stop it, Cora. You know you won't get anything from us." The dark one warped his arms around his Queen. How stupid does she really think we are?

"Indeed..." She said in a low tone. "Well,... not willingly, anyway." She raised her voice a bit and a creepy smile appeared on her face.

The two lovers looked at each other with confusion. What was this woman planning?

The Queen of Hearts smiled widely at all four of them, laughed diabolically and puffed herself away. The sound of her crazy laugh ranged in everyone's ears and her magic still hang in the air. She made an indirect threat. An indirect warning. An indirect vow. And, sooner or later, they were going to find out exactly what she was planning. What she wanted to do to them.

All that they could do now, was stay close to each other and wait.

~☆Three weeks later☆~

Regina was still a bit shaken by her mother's threat, but succeeded to control herself. She finally found her peace. She didn't care about her revenge anymore. She cared just for her family.

Now she was leaving her little fire flame's bedroom, she put him to bed, he needed his afternoon nap, and making her way in the tower library, where she knew she could find Rumple. For a few days now, he've beed spending most of the time up there, at his spinning wheel. Regina knew that spinning calmed him down, but now he was exaggerating and he didn't want to tell her why he was so obsessed with it. He would simply tell her "It's relaxing. Your mother is constantly in my head and I need to relax." But she knew him better than that. It was something else. And she was going to find out.

The Queen reached the library's entrance and swung the door open. The imp startled at the sudden movement, but smiled when he saw his beloved one. "My Queen... is there really a need to scare me to death everytime you enter the room I'm in?" He stud up from his little chair and went to kiss her tenderly.

"It became kind of a hobby." They both chuckled at that. "So... when will you tell me what exactly are you doing here?"

He sighed. She wasn't gonna let it go so easily. How can I make her a surprise when she is insisting like that?! "Regina... You know I like spinning. It-"

"It relaxes you... Yes, yes, yes... I know... and I don't have a problem with that. My problem is that you are lying to me. You are not staying here all day long just because it calms you down or... whatever. There is something else. Now, tell me what?!" She was getting inpatient and it wasn't a good thing. Not at all. And he knew it.

"Ok, love. I'll make you a deal. You let me finish my work, no matter how long it takes, and, when I'll be done, you'll be the first one to know about it and see it. Is that ok?" His thumbs were caressing her cheeks.

Her pink lips formed a pout. She huffed. "Fine." She rolled her brown eyes. "Deal. But you better hurry up." She gave him a quick kiss and walked out of the library.

She was always an inpatient woman. Luckily for the both of us... I got used to it. Rumple chuckled to himself, shook his head and went back to his spinning. He had to make some more gold and then... to sculpt it in perfect shape. Something he had been trying to do for several days, but nothing seemed to work. Regina was unique. She needed something special. I have to move quick.

☆Two days later☆~

After two days of hard work, Rumple succeeded. He did it. He could already see Regina wearing it. It looked better than he first imagined it. But now came the scary part of this little game he was playing. A game that most of the men played at least once.

He had to find out if he, Rumplestiltskin, was good enough for his lover, Regina Mills.

The Dark One went to search for Henry Mills. He found him in the stables, brushing his horse's main. Rumple could feel his hands shaking and sweating. He was nervous. He hated being nervous, but he couldn't help it. He walked closer to his Queen's father "Sir?" the old man turned around and smiled at Rumple "Yes?" He looked at his fingers a bit and then back at the person in front of him. "May I have your blessing to marry Regina?" His eyes were full of hope and and his voice was chocked.

Henry looked at Rumplestiltskin up and down, then locked eyes with him. He really loves my daughter.

The Queen's Golden BabyWhere stories live. Discover now