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~ 1 Month Later ~

It has been one month since the incident and Jean was still avoiding Diluc. In fact she hasn't seen him in a while. Until one day Jean suddenly started feeling sick. She feared that she might be pregnant. She immediently consulted a doctor and her fears were confirmed. She planned to tell Diluc but then she heard 2 knights talking.

Random Knight 1: Hey have you heard about the incident?

Random Knight 2: Yeah I heard the head of the Ragnvindr family was killed.

Jean: Excuse me what are you guys talking about?

Random Knight 1: Haven't you heard? A big incident happened. The head of the Ragnvindr family was killed.

Random Knight 2: I heard it was the son's fault.

Random Knight 1: Which one?

Random Knight 2: The red haired one.

After that Jean had heard enough and she immediently went to see Diluc.

Jean: Diluc-senpai, I am sorry for your loss.

Diluc did not reply to her. He just gave a nod. Jean did not tell Diluc about her pregnancy because it's probably not the right time. She planned to tell him in a couple weeks were she hopes that things would cool down. But just 3 days later, Diluc left. She heard a fight between Kaeya and Diluc occurred because Kaeya blamed Diluc for their father's death. Thus, Diluc left Mondstadt. Jean tried chasing him but it was too late.

~2 Months Later~

Jean's belly was growing noticeably large at this point so she had no choice but to tell her mother.

Jean: Mother, I have to tell you something.

Frederica: What is it?

Jean: I am pregnant.

Frederica: What?! Who is the father?!

Jean: Di- Diluc. It was an accident mother. I know it is my mistake, but please the child is innocent.

Frederica: I know but with the recent issue of the Ragnvindr family, a child suddenly popping out is not good. Even if it is from our family. Now don't worry I will accept the kid. But let me warn you about something, your grandmother is an elf.

Jean: What?!

Frederica: The elf genes were weak in you and Barbara in terms of physical appearance, but I have a feeling it would be strong with your kid.

Jean: I see.

Jean touched her belly and she was kind of relieved. She thought she would be kicked out of the family but her mother surprisingly took it lightly.

~6 Months Later~

Doctor: She's about to be out. Just hang on ms. Gunnhildr!

Nurse: Breathe, breathe.

After a while the baby was finally born. She has red eyes like his father but noticeably pointed ears.

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