Date (Part 2)

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After the two left Childe and Lumine, they went to a bookstore. Diluc heard   from Lisa that Jean likes to borrow romance novels from the Library so he thought he would treat Jean to some books of her choices.

Jean: Wow! Is this the Library where they have books that have not been published yet?

Diluc: Yes. You can buy all the books you want.

Jean: I'm afraid I can't do that. I heard the books here are expensive. The Gunnhildr family has a spending limit every month.

Diluc: You are not a Gunnhildr anymore. Besides I'm paying.

Jean: You don't need to do that. Just looking here will be enough for me.

Diluc: Do as you wish.

But when Jean entered the store, she was shocked. All the volumes of some romance series she's been reading that are not yet released in public are all there.

Jean: Impossible. Angel Crush Vol.6?! The Maiden's Knight Vol. 12! Love is War Vol. 30!

Diluc: Looks like you find some things you like. You can buy all books you find interesting here.

Jean's eyes turned to stars. She bought almost all unreleased volumes of romance novels or manga. She was so glad she didn't even notice that her cart was filling up with books. When they went to the cashier...

Jean: 4000000 MORA?!

Diluc: Yeah. I already paid for it but carrying it is kind of a hassle so I also bought the cart.

Jean: That's not the point! I'm so sorry Diluc I'll pay for this one day.

Diluc: Your acting like we're strangers. Besides it's just 4 million Mora. I also asked for a new library to be built at our mansion to store these books.

Jean: I am so sorry Diluc. I was irresponsible.

Diluc: Why are you apologizing? Isn't it normal for a husband to treat his wife sometimes?


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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