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The Ragnvindr and Gunnhildr family announced the marriage of Diluc and Jean to the public. The public was shocked.

Donna: Master Diluc is true that you got married with Master Jean? HUHUHU

Timmie: Master Jean congrats on your wedding!

Jean and Diluc finally escaped from the public eye and went to their own works. A few days passed and things went back to normal. Both went to their own jobs (Jean acting grandmaster and Diluc hanging out at the bar).

~A few days later~

Lisa: Jean you have to this commission.

Kaeya: Jean we have to wipe out a hilichurl camp nearby.

Lumine: Jean who is the most powerful fighter in Mondstadt?

Klee: Mommy can you play with me?

Jean: Not now Klee. I'm doing a lot of things.

Klee: Awww. I'm gonna ask daddy instead.

~At the Tavern~

Klee: Daddy!

Diluc: Klee. What are you doing here?

Klee: Can you play with me? I asked mommy but she has a lot of things to do.

Diluc: Ok. What do you wanna do?

Klee: Blow up some fishies!

Diluc: Is that what kids are into these days? Well if that's what she wants...

~A few moments later~

Jean: I can't believe you guys!

Diluc: Why are you so mad?

Jean: I have received reports of Klee blowing up 3 unoccupied rafts and half the fish in the lake! Diluc why didn't you stop her!

Diluc: I thought that's what kids are into these days.

Klee: Klee is very sorry. I did not mean to blow up the rafts. Some fish went under it and-

Jean: You went to far this time! You are grounded!

Diluc: Hey I don't think that's necessary Jean.

Jean: You also! Why didn't you stop her? You're being a bad father!

Diluc: Looks like Jean is more tense than usual. What's wrong?

Jean forced Klee and Diluc to be in solitary confinement. Why is Jean more tense? Is something wrong with her?

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