The Reveal

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Doctor: ...she is your daughter master Ragnvindr. The test is almost a complete match.

Diluc: But that's impossible! I never slept with Jean before!

Doctor: If you were so sure she isn't your daughter you wouldn't test her isn't that right Master Ragnvindr?

Diluc: I just had a hunch.

Doctor: Maybe you did sleep with her master.

Diluc: Not that I remember. Although a few weeks before I left she's been avoiding me. Does this have something to do with that?

Doctor: If you need any more assistance just call me.

Diluc: Thanks for your help.

Diluc finally knowing the truth, decides to meet Jean.

Jean: Why did you ask me to meet you here Diluc-senpai?

Diluc: Stop calling me that.

Jean: Di-Diluc then.

Diluc: I asked you to meet me here cause I wanna ask something.

Jean: In the middle of the woods? But what is the question you want to ask me?

Diluc: Did I sleep with you before?

Jean: Pfft! what kind of question is that?

Diluc: Tell me the truth.

Jean: Ye-yes.

Diluc: When?!

Jean: Around a month before you umm left.

Diluc: Why didn't you tell me?

Jean: I thought you knew.

Diluc: Then anothet thing, why didn't you tell me Klee is my child?

Jean: Oh so you know already. I found out I was pregnant, 2 weeks after your father died. I was about to tell you but I figured you had enough problems.

Diluc didn't say another word. He carried Jean at his back and they went to the Marriage Registration Office.

Jean: Let me go! Diluc let me go!

They made quite a scene that rumors started to spread around between the Gunnhildr and Ragnvindr family.

Diluc: We got our marriage certificate already.

Jean: What?! Diluc getting married is not that simple! Our families-

Diluc: I am sure they will approve.

Jean: I didn't even agree to marry you!

Diluc: Isn't it proper for us to get married? We both come from noble families. It's shameful for us to have a kid and not get married.

Jean: So he's only marrying me cause of our families.

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