My Own

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"Always Keep Fighting and Love Yourself First because I Am Enough and I am NOT Alone and I define me. I got this. There's nothing I can't do. I love me."

So, every morning when I brush my teeth and wash my face, I repeat this mantra to myself in the mirror while looking myself in the eyes. Then, after I say "I love me," I kinda give myself a mom look for a moment then soften my expression and really look for the beauty in my face. I'm not perfect and have days where I see more/less of things I like/dislike but slowly I'm feeling better about myself and finding more things I like than dislike about my face. I started it on the first of the year and it's really helped me so I thought I'd share it with you guys. Y'all are welcome to use it yourself or tweak it/add to it if you want, in fact I encourage you to do so. I really suggest you come up with at least one positive thing to say to yourself every morning in the mirror because, whether you think it will or not, it really does help and I actually started looking forward to doing it after a few days. Also, if you do use this, add to it, and/or come up with your own, I'd love to hear how it's helped you or what you added to it or came up with! (Sorry this explanation ended up being kinda long but I just wanted to express how much it's helped me and how I think it'll help you. 😁)

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