Demi Lovato

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"Stay Strong" - Demi Lovato

It's such a simple quote, only 2 words, but also very powerful. Demi got this tattooed after she got out of rehab over her self harm scars as a reminder of what Lovatics said to her while she was there. We were constantly telling her to stay strong. She got it and it became the fandoms mantra, I guess you could call it. We say it to each other all the time and many of us even got it tattooed ourselves. I also repeat these words to myself constantly when I'm going through something. As someone with self harm issues, these words help me to fight the urge to self harm. I'm almost 3 years clean now but for a while, the only thing that would keep me from doing it was saying those words. Demi means the world to me, and this quote means just as much, because of all they've gotten me through. Remind yourself as often as you need to Stay Strong and never feel ashamed for doing so. Whatever your fighting, you can and will get through it. I believe in you and I love you. My DMs are always open for anyone who needs to talk. ❤️❤️

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