Fake Ruby

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It's an alpaca, dumbass." - Genevieve Padalecki as Genevieve Padalecki/Fake Ruby in The French Mistake (6.15)

The French Mistake episode, for those who don't watch Supernatural, is an episode where Sam and Dean get sent to an alternate universe, our universe, where they are Jensen and Jared playing Dean and Sam and they're the only ones who know anything is different so they work to get back to their universe. It's basically an episode making fun of themselves and I love it. I chose this quote because hadn't done a funny quote in a while and, as I said before, I absolutely LOVE that episode, especially Gen's scenes so that's why I picked it that week. The French Mistake is my favorite episode as well as my comfort episode and Gen in the episode is my comfort character. This is one of my favorite lines of the episode because it's when she comes in and is just all around a funny line because it shows her sass as well as her knowledge of animals and things. Anyway, I love that quote and the episode and Gen and uh go watch Wildfire. 😁 (Seriously, it is an amazing show and I watch it on an app called Tubi. I don't think you even necessarily have to make an account but I have one and it never asked for credit card information or anything so it's totally free, you just have to deal with ads but to me it's worth it.)

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