Two in One

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"Always Keep Fighting." - Jared Padalecki, Dean Winchester, and the whole SPN Family

"You've got this dark pit inside of you, I know, believe me. I know. But that doesn't mean you have to fall into it. You don't have to be a monster... It doesn't matter what you are, it only matters what you do. It's your choice." - Sam Winchester

There's two quotes this week because I couldn't decide which I liked better and I was doing a finale react chapter for my Jensen Ackles fic when these were originally posted so the first quote went well with that one.

I thought the first quote was a good choice since it's said in the episode and a big part of what we in the Supernatural fandom all say to each other. I know I say it to my friends all the time and get it said back to me even more. I love all of Jared's campaigns and they all mean so much to me. Always Keep Fighting has helped me in more ways than I know how to explain, other than it has literally saved my life, but I love it and all the rest of the campaigns that came from it so much and they just all mean the world to me. That's why I make sure to put the campaign names as part of my authors note every week on my other fics; I know how much it means to me to hear someone say it, even a stranger, so I say it to everyone else in case it means just as much/more and I hope everyone appreciates it the same way I do. ❤️❤️

The second quote I chose because it's my favorite Sam quote and I was watching season 4 and the line happened to be in the episode (4.4 Metamorphosis in case you watch Supernatural and were wondering). To me, it always feels like he's speaking directly to me because I always feel like I'm constantly on the edge of falling into a depression pit and feeling like I have no choice other than to do everything I already do. But this reminds me that I don't have to give in to that pit and I do have a choice. I may not choose some things like when I pay bills or go to work or things like that but I still make important choices everyday like what I decide to eat and drink or when I go to bed/how much sleep I get and how I treat those around me. Those all may seem like little things but they really are the big things and can easily affect everything. This reminds me that even when I do fall into that depression pit, I can choose to figure out what's depressing me and how to get out of the pit. It's definitely not easy but it is possible.

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