Emily Walker

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"Not all things have to be good for them to be good." - Emily Walker in Walker 1.6

This quote was said by Genevieve Padalecki's character in an episode of Walker and it makes no sense but at the same time makes a lot of sense. To me it's saying that something doesn't have to be pretty or neat or anything else we consider to be normally good to be a good thing or a good piece of art or whatever. (Walker 1.6 spoiler in case you watch the show) As an example I'll use what's going on in the episode when she said it. The scene is at Side Step (the bar they go to, for those who don't watch the show) and it's Walker's birthday. Suddenly, Emily pulls out a box and gives it to Walker and inside is a boar head, whose been named Denise. Denise is just a hideous thing but also kinda not at the same time. Anyway, Walker pulls it out of the box and the look on his face is like "uh babe what is this?" And Emily looks at him and says, "not all things have to be good for them to be good," and I knew there was a deeper meaning to what she said other than just a random line so I paused it and thought about what she said for a second. I realized she was saying that even things that are ugly or just not good aren't always bad or ugly and sometimes are good things. Then I wrote the quote down and when they showed Denise again I was like "you know she's really not that bad."

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