Jared Padalecki 3

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"Look for the pebbles because sometimes pebbles are all you need to get back to your rock." - Jared Padalecki

Jared said this in a convention video and I believe the fan had asked something like what is their (Jared and Jensen's) rock, the one thing they always count on and know will be there for them and they both said their wives but then Jared said this and went on to explain that sometimes you can't always get to that rock. Sometimes maybe you don't want to bother them with what's going on or they're busy or you're busy or whatever, so you have to find the little things that make you feel better or distract you or whatever until you can get to that person and until you can talk through what's going on with them. For me, my rock is my best friend, who might as well be my mom because she acts like it lol, but I can't always talk to her because even though we live together, we both have a lot going on and I also don't always want to bother her with what's going on in my head so I have my little pebbles. I have videos I watch and songs I listen to and other friends I talk to (so I at least talked to someone) and sometimes, in the end, I don't need to talk to her. I'm able to figure it out on my own or talking to my other friends was enough but I still know that if I really need to, she'll be there in a heartbeat with no hesitation. I think that's part of why I found this quote so inspirational and beautiful because right away I saw what he was saying and saw who my rock was as well as my little pebbles. They all help in some way and they're all there for you in different ways. We all have a rock and we all have pebbles. My rock is amazing and I hope yours is as well. My little pebbles are wonderful as well and sometimes they even give me other little pebbles and I love them so much.

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