Never Be Ashamed

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"Never be ashamed of a scar. It simply means that you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you." - Unknown

This quote immediately makes me think of my self-harm scars and the fact that life tried to hurt me and even though I hurt myself because of it, I still didn't give up and I still fought and came out stronger than it. That's not to say that those who don't stay and fight through it are weak, because they definitely are not, but there's also strength in staying to fight as well. Any kind of scar you have happened because you got hurt but you fought through it. For example, I also have a scar on my forehead because of a bully. That bully tried to hurt me, and did (a lot), but I still pushed through it and didn't break because of it. 

Sorry, this is a late Tuesday update. It's been kind of a crazy week. Love y'all!

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