How Insensitive

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     Athena rolled out of the on-call room bed. She got paged for a lecture from Bailey. She got in a bit late. "Chief Shepherd as asked for us to brush up on our patient sensitivity. Dr. Shepherd should be here soo-, there she is. Our head trauma surgeon on this case." Bailey shouts. Oh crap. I forgot about our VIP patient. Bailey motions for you to come up. "Present please." "Um- Bobby Corso, male, severe stomach pains." Her pager goes off. "I have to leave, but Bailey will update you on whatever else. She walks out of the room. "Ok. Remember your R-O-C, repeat your patient feelings back to them, don't use metaphors-" Charles Percy cuts in, "Phew. Cause I'm no good at them." "Why? Cause you're as dumb as a box of hammers," Cristina snaps. All the residents laugh. "If I may continue, remember your R-O-C, and you will rock your patient world. Now to the pit." 

     Police trucks, firetrucks, and a giant truck pull in. Roxanne Walsh, "Did the circus come to town?" A giant 700-pound man is on a gurney. Jeff Morano, "Nope, just the elephant." "Morano, you're off the case goodbye." This you're off the case went on the whole day. Athena found some jokes funny, but never let it show. She continued on her tasks when she got a page for Bobby Corso. Athena walked up to the hallway she was paged to, hanging the stethoscope around her neck as she walked in. "The gurneys too wide to get through the door." Bobby lets out, "I can walk, I swear." Athena lets out a confused sigh, "Let's help you then." She grabs one of his arms, and another resident grabs the other. Bailey behind him. SNAP! Then a crash. She was on the floor next to Mark Sloan, who was helping with his skin infection. They all help him back into a gurney. "Let's page Torres, and have her take a look at this ankle." Athena snaps off her gloves and walks out of the room. Mark follows. 

     "Let's talk." Athena gives in. "Fine, you have 5 minutes." "I loved you, a-and I still do." Athena lets out an understanding look, "Oh, Mark." Before you know it, you're doing the *McDirty* again. "I love you, Athena Shepherd." "Mark Sloan, I love you too." She rolls over to reach her pager, "Ugh- ooh!  911 Traumaaa!" She springs up. "You're happy someone is injured enough to come here?" Mark asks with a concerning face. "Well, when you put it like that. Cya later Sloan." She walked out the on-call room with a big grin on her face, but she had to hide it. She raced down to the ambulance bay. "Rose Dickerson, Grand-Mal seizures, had 3 en route, had a fall at an pagent and then seized." She rushed her to the trauma bay. "Lets page Torres, and the other Shepherd please." A nurse nodded her head. Derek checked her pupils and Amelia orders a head ct. Athena walks back to fill in some charts, and then got paged to look at Roses CT results." Derek looked stumped, "I don't see anything." A lightbulb went off in her head. "Why don't we order an MRI? Some aneryusms don't show up on a CT." Amelia nodded her head in agreement. Derek eyes widening. "Sometimes I forget you two are younger than me. Let's get her to MRI and page me when results come in. 

     "Results are up," Amelia looked up at the computer. "Lets page Derek Shepherd please." Derek walks in the room. Athena scanned the images, "Right there, frontal lobe aneruysm." Derek gave a bit of a clap. "Ok, lets get her prepped and ready for an anyerusm clip." Athena pages one of the available residents. "Get her prepped and ready." The resident nodded. Athena and Amelia walk out. Amelia was now Chief of Neuro, Arizona Chief of Peds, April, Co-Chief of Trauma with Athena. The 4 of them met up after their surgeries. They all sat down at a table. "All had surgeries?" "Yup. What did you two have?" "Aneruysm clip." "Cool, we had an ex-lap on a peds trauma." "Ooh. Would the 3 of you like to come over to my apartment tonight?" Arizona asks. "Obivously Callie would be there, and maybe Mark, sometimes he just comes over." Oh great, Mark. "Sure, I will be there," Athena responds. Amelia, "Sure. Nothing better to do."


The 4 of them watch terrifying horror show. All huddled on a couch with a big blanket covering them. April jumps with the popcorn bowl in her hands, spilling the popcorn everywhere. "Kepner!" "Oops." Mark could hear the screams and laughs and whatever noises they were making. Mark creeped into the apartment, attempting to scare the 4 of them. Mark closed the door, and let out a yell. "BOO!" The 4 of the screamed. Kepner shouted, "WHAT THE HELL?!" Amelia shouted, "AHH!" Arizona jumped up and yelled, "WHAT THE HELL, SLOAN?!" Athena just yelled, "WHAT THE FUCK?!" The 4 of them looked back to see Mark. They all gave each other a look and piled into bed, Mark joined them. "Mark, its impossible to sleep with 4 women at once," Athena said. "And I'm gay, sooo," Arizona added. "In my book, nothings impossible," Mark said. "Just go to bed, all of you, now," Amelia grumbled. April already asleep. Ohh, how do I love these people. Derek, Mer, and basically anyone else not pictured. The 5 of them were asleep in a matter of minutes. All of them, were huddled into bed, looking like absolute dorks. 


Derek knocked at the door. "Um- Mark told me to meet him at his apartment, so I was wondering if he's here? He also said to walk right in. So that's what I'm doing." Derek marched into the bedroom. Mark sat up first. "Mark?" Amelia next. "Eh, Amelia!" Arizona after. "Oh my god Mark, threesome?! With Arizona?!" April sat up next. "FOURSOME?! WITH KEPNER?!" Athena last. "MARK SLOAN, I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!?" The five of them hopped out of bed. "Derek, he just crashed here, no sleeping with anyone. I promise," Amelia reassured him. "Yeah, I swear to God I didn't sleep with Mark Sloan! I'm a lesbiann!" Arizona reminded. "Anywayy, who wants breakfast?" All 6 of them all raised their hands. 

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