The Face of Change

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Time Jump: A few weeks later, Pegasus bought Seattle Grace.

Athena's POV:

As the sunlight hit my face, I let out a groan and shoved the covers off my body. The hospital had become less and less enjoyable since Pegasus had bought it. Going to work felt like a chore instead of an enjoyable job, but yet I still had to go. It sucked, it really sucked. I trudged over to my dresser to get my clothes. The house was definitely not empty, Zola and Bailey were running all around, well Bailey was more crawling around. I really loved living with Mer and Derek. As I came down the steps I was greeted with a very perky Zola. "Hi Aunt Athena!" she squeaked. "Hi kiddo," I responded. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. Derek leaned on the counter and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Anyone else feel like work is a chore and not work anymore?" Athena nodded, "Yep. Exactly what I was thinking." Mer nodded in agreement. I looked down at my phone, "Time to go to work, yay!" I said sarcastically.

Once I arrived at work, I was once again disappointed by Pegasus. They closed the ER down, so I was just neuro now. It sucked, I really loved trauma but another thing they took away. April had gone with Matthew on the ambulance so I just wandered around the neuro wing. More investors were coming today to try to help Pegasus with upgrading the hospital, so I had to be on my very best behavior. Jackson was also wandering around because, what else is there to do? Pegasus was worried about literally anyone else except the department heads doing surgery. As Jackson and I wandered we met up with Mer who was also basically banned from surgeries. We would do intern work, and the interns doing that work were frockling around the ORs. We sat down in the basement after getting an early lunch. A buzz in my pocket, hopeful it was my pager, but no, of course, it wouldn't be my pager. April was calling me. "Hi Apes. What's up?" April was out of breath, "We have a hit and run here, 9, maybe 10 years old, Seattle Pres is full and the closest that will take us in Redmond, and that's an hour away," she took a pause, "This kid doesn't have an hour." I thought, "You thinking what I'm thinking?" April gave a yep through the phone and hung up.

I sprang up, "Jackson, Mer, meet me in the ER and page Karev, Yang, Sloan, Wilson and anyone else you can think of. Snag central line kits, vents, and a monitor." I saw Jackson sigh as I said, "Sloan." "No offense. We are definitely looking at some plastic posse stuff." Jackson and Mer look at each then back to me. I run down to the ER. The doors were closed shut, we needed to pull them open. As I was running down hallways, corridors, steps, I threw my hair up and hung my stethoscope around my neck. When I finally arrived at the ER, April, Matthew, and Nicole just pulled up. Everyone else rushed in quietly. They set up the trauma room while I tried to pry open the doors, doesn't budge. After setting up the room, everyone else rushed over to help. The doors wouldn't budge. Everyone was getting tired, but I kept pulling. I rolled out my neck before giving the doors a swift kick, still not moving. An idea sprang into my head, "Stay here, don't move." I ran off into the dark torn apart ER. I was looking for a hammer, crowbar, or anything I can use to pry open the doors. I shine my flashlight on a long metal bar, crowbar, perfect. I ran back to the doors. I shove and wiggle the crowbars, with the help of Avery and Karev, into the crack in the doors, a swift motion opening them. A sigh of relief left my mouth.

We rushed him to a trauma room, and he was not in good shape. The monitor let out a quiet beeping. I snapped on gloves and pushed my way in. "Do we have a portable ultrasound? Definetly have some internal bleeding." Everyone went silent before Meredith spoke up again, "Wilson, go get one, don't get caught." Jo snapped off her gloves and ran to the door, before she whispered, "People coming." The rest of us shut the monitor off and shut the lights off. Jo hid behind the door, hearing the inaudible whispering of Stephanie and the PR's. Stephanie knew about the secret saving of the kid, so she quickly rushed them up to Jackson's skin lab. Jo gave an all-clear, we continued to work. Jo snuck off and went to grab a portable ultrasound. The silence cleared up and I and Nicole continued to argue. Nicole wanted him to stay here, "You have the best doctors here, the kids gonna die if we don't get him to the OR soon." I rolled my eyes, "We just have to get him stable enough to get to Redmond, we are going to get caught soon enough." Nicole just scoffed.

After a few hours of saving/fixing the young boy he was finally stable enough to transport:

As we were fixing we talked about stupid Pegasus and how we all wanted to quit. After exiting the ER, we all went up to the Chief's office. As of right now, we were holding the hospital on our shoulders. Jackson went in first, then Mer, then Cristina, and lastly me. As Owen looked up, Jackson spoke, "I quit." Mer followed, "I quit." Cristina next, "I'm tendering my resignation." Me next, "I-." Before I can even get 2 words out, I was cut off by a very angry Owen, "Before you even say what I know you are going to say, you're fired Shepherd." I bit my lip and nodded my head, and stormed off out of his office, the rest following. I slammed the door behind me, everyone looking at me, I didn't care though. I went up to the attending's lounge. Jackson, Mer, and Cristina came in behind me. I huffed and leaned against the lockers with a slight smile, "Everything goes according to plan." The three of them let out a chuckle and we started to get our stuff together. The four of us walked out of the hospital, everyone else confused on why, as our shift wasn't over. Derek and Mark looked over, "Why-" Jackson spoke up, "Quit." Mer next, "Quit." Cristina then, "Quit." I pointed to myself, "Fired, but I was going to quit anyways." Before any of them could get a word out, we all walked out of the hospital.


Word Count: 1105


sorry for the lack of updates, ive been bUsYyYyY


ty for tiktok for the everything goes according to plan line

ok bye now

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