Sorry Doesn't Cut It

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     Throughout the night, Athena slept through. The fight between her and Derek took a lot out of her. Mark had spent the night with her to make sure she was safe. A knock on the door woke Mark up. Mark threw on shorts and walked to the door. "April, Arizona? What are you doing here?" April and Arizona look at each other. "We heard about the fight, and we wanted to check on her." Mark gave a puzzling look. "You heard about it? Or did Arizona call and tell you?" Arizona gave a slight nod. Mark looked around the foyer and peeked into the bedroom. He waved over to them. Athena was now awake. Her eyes were all puffy and red. She saw the look the three of them gave her. "Ah- before you say anything, I'm fine. I have to get ready for work and see Lucas off to New York, Amelia, and Dr. Shepherd." Mark gave her a slight smile. 

     Athena got ready for work and to see Lucas off. She got a glimpse of Meredith, who was pregnant and catching up to her. "Hey, I know we have never been close, but I was on the phone with Amelia when I heard Derek yelling at you. I am so sorry." Athena felt reassured, "Thanks, Mer." They both hugged each other. "How's my future niece or nephew?" Meredith and Athena talk for a while. Athena's pager went off. "That's me, and it's to see Lucas off to New York so that Mr. Magical can fix him." Meredith let out a smirk at the sarcasm. 

     Athena met Lucas and his mom on the helipad. "Again, I am so sorry that I couldn't do much." Lucas's mom gave her a nod. She watched the helicopter take off. She walked back to the elevator and went down to the ER. She sat on the counter and waited for something excited to happen. April joined her soon, both sitting on the spinning chairs and just chatting. Her pager went off, SLOAN, 911. She read her pager and flew up out of the chair. "Talk to you later, Apes!" April gave her a wave. She ran to the room where Mark paged her. "What!?" "Calm down, Shep. Look at this." Athena smiled at Mark. Out of the corner, Derek walked in. She turned around, and her smile faded. She tried to walk out the door, but Mark blocked her. "Athena, look, I'm sorry." Athena stood leaning against the walk. "Well, sometimes sorry doesn't cut. You of all people should know that." Derek rolled his eyes and pinched in between his eyes. 

     After at least an hour of silence, Athena walked out of the room. Her pager was going off to the pit. She waited impatiently in the elevator, fiddling with her hands. She walked out of the elevator to two interns racing each other in wheelchairs. She slammed on her brakes. "Apes! What did we got?" "Incoming head trauma about 3 minutes out." Athena gave the nod and put on a trauma gown. An ambulance pulls into the bay, an alert, an extremely intoxicated guy comes in with a knife in his head. As Athena watched the guy pull in, she was shocked at how he was alive and alert. Once they brought him into the trauma bay, she ordered a head CT and asked a resident to keep an eye on him. As she looked at the head CT across the hall, many of us hear a tapping on the window. We all look over and see the knife in his friend's hand. Athena runs over and explains why that was stupid, and the heat CT was clear so she could discharge him. 

     Derek had come to find Athena, sitting on the ER computer filling in some notes. Her leg was bouncing up and down, which she did when she was anxious. Derek peeked over the counter and met Athena's eyes. Athena slams her chart shut and storms off. 

      April had gone up to the office of the chief. "Chief." "Yes, Kepner, come in." "I don't want to be chief of trauma anymore." The chief had a puzzled tone, "Why not Kepner?" "Well- I don't like it as much as I thought I would." The chief understood what she meant exactly, "Alright, let Shepherd know she is chief."

      April found Athena and Mark walking around the hospital. "Athena, did you hear?" "What? No?" "You are now the full chief of trauma!" Athenas eyes lit up, "No way!" Athena jumped on Mark. Mark catching her. April smiled at the two. "My faves! Marena!!" April walked away towards Jackson. Athena kissed Mark on the cheek. Mark put her down. Mark was very happy for her. The first time he has seen her smile since she and Dereks fight. 

      Derek left the next morning to operate on Lucas. It was now Athena's first day chief of trauma. There were no big traumas that day. Just regular ER visits. She got calls from New York frequently on surgery updates. She was still mildly mad at Derek. She understood where he was coming from. The surgery was going good from what she could tell. 

      She was currently interim chief of neuro and chief of trauma, so her day was mostly neuro. She clipped some aneurysms, looked at CTs, read up on some stuff. The most interesting thing was some neuro articles on tumors and resecting them with cleaner margins. After reading the article, she searched for some more while Mark was getting coffee for her and him. "Why, thank you, Dr. Sloan." "No problem, Dr. Shepherd." "BLEH! This is definitely your coffee, or whatever disgusting thing you drink you call coffee." "Excuse me 'Thena! Your vanilla latte is even grosser." Mark switched the cups. Athena took a sip, "Ah. This is what I call real caffeine." Mark sighed, and they both walked around endlessly. Both of their pagers went off, 911 Torres. 

      "What?!" Torres smiled, "Nothing! Can't have all of the attendings come together without thinking something is wrong. Sheesh. Well anyway, as we know the "Silver Flood" is coming." All of the attendings let out a groan. "Come on! Its a bunch of old people they aren't that bad." Mark butted in, "Have you met the violent ones?" Torres shook her head, "I have not. Anyways, they are coming tomorrow!" Athena almost spits out her coffee, "TOMORROW?!" An uproar of attendings started to shout. "Again everyone, I'm sorry for springing this on you on such short notice. Have your services up and running!" "Sorry doesn't cut it Torres," Athena shouted at Callie, walking out of the room. "Yeah, ok Shep!"

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