let the games begin

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A couple hours later the host came back into the room. Okay zodiacs it's time to get you ready for the games please follow me

The zodiacs followed her into the arena, their will be drones in the arena they will be watching your every move the games will be on live tv, the sponsors will be betting on the tributes. ... Sponsors give their donations to mentors , and the money is spent on necessary tools for the tributes. All of you guys have mentors they will get you guys the supplies you need every Tribute has equal odds of winning the games, they will all have odds of 23-1

The games will begin make your way to your partner and cages. The zodiacs stepped outside into the arena it was a huge forest the pairs of zodiac went inside the cage waiting for the countdown you can see the weapons and supplies in the middle of the circle

Of course the time would come the signs knew it the host knew it everyone was exited to see them fight to the death the zodiacs were shoved into the cages waiting to be let out and grab

They all prepared themselves and trained even thought they weren't prepared for what was to come the clock started counting down everyone grew more anxious waiting for the cages to open and release them.






Let the games begin

With that last number the gates opened releasing the 12 zodiacs

Virgo ran out of the cage with Taurus close by him, He quickly grabbed some supplies for him and Taurus, Taurus quickly grabbed a knife they did it have time to get more stuff they quickly ran into the forest

Taurus and Virgo ran a few miles back they set up camp for when night comes, they also set up traps just in case anyone found them

Gah Gemini tripped on a rock Leo was trying to help her up, she got up quickly and they both kept running in the forest trying to find a cave

Scorpio and Capricorn found a pond they stopped to get water, Capricorn had the weapons with her, she was able to grab a knife and bow and arrow with her Scorpio was the one who got the supplies they quickly got water and kept running through the forest

Scorpio seemed pretty unshaken while most of the other were freaking out, he knew if he did that he wouldn't survive, He took Capricorn's hand and kept a running and they both made shelter in a tree

Further away cancer and Libra were in the mountain side of the forest the snow was getting thicker and it was getting colder

They were both struggling to get through the snow cancer was struggling the cold was getting to her she was gonna scream for help until Libra covered her mouth, Don't say it- he told her with dead eyes, she nodded and he let go of her mouth, she was so cold she let a few tears fall, they both saw a cave and they both sprinted to it and sighing in relief and they managed to start a fire

Aries and Sagittarius were trying to find people to assassinate they both wanted to be the last people left they started gathering supplies and bombs around the supplies they had so no one could take them

Pisces and Aquarius just kept running they didn't know where to go they both got tired they haven't decided what to do they both stopped running, it seemed safe for now, they were on their way to try to find a pond for water

The host was tracking the zodiacs showing them in the environments there in the cameras were showing the struggle the zodiacs were having and if they were still alive, Live tv was watching the zodiacs as well waiting for someone to die

Aries and Sagittarius were on their way to the cold side of the mountains they both saw smoke from a fire

Sagittarius-do you see that?

Aries- yeah should we get them?

Sagittarius- if we're gonna win we need to eliminate everyone

Sagittarius and Aries were walking towards the cave, cancer and Libra jumped at the sound of foot steps they saw Aries and Sagittarius

Aries tackled Libra trying to stab him with his knife Libra was hold Aries hand back so that he wouldn't stab him, Sagittarius was trying to stop cancer from running.

Cancer RUN! Libra yelled at cancer, NO! I'm not leaving you, PLEASE! Libra said trying to stop Aries from stabbing him,

Cancer- guys please let's stop the fighting maybe we can all win we can protest against the gam-

Cancer was cut off when Sagittarius came up behind her and stabbed her

Sagittarius- I can't let that happen

Libra- CANCER!

cancer touched the wound on her stomach she stood there in shock still not processing what happened, once she took her hand off her wound she saw her hand was covered in blood her face went into immediate shock she felt to her knees, she screamed a blood curdling scream and she collapsed on the ground bleeding out dead

As Aries and Sagittarius looked at cancers life less body that was Libras moment to try to hit Aries, Libra pushed Aries off of him and ran as fast as he could out of the cave he was crying while he was running he just kept running not knowing what to do ne

Aries: FUCK I let him get away

Sagittarius- don't worry he won't make it far he left his supplies

A loud thump around the whole arena every zodiac looked up in the sky to see cancers profile the thump always meant someone died, then the zodiac anthem started playing

Cancer district 4 assassinated

Pisces looked up in the skies arena and started to cry, Aquarius comforted him as he cried into her shoulder

Aquarius- shh it's okay I'm here

Pisce- why did they do it why did they kill her

Aquarius- that's just the way it goes their is nothing we can do about it

Pisces- kept crying into her shoulder

Libra's POV: Libra found a bush that he could stay hidden in he was still replaying the image of cancers dead body in his head her blood curdling scream traumatized him, Just remembering it scared him he cried himself to sleep, he was scared for his life right now because he knew he wasn't gonna last very long without cancer by his side.

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