Hogwarts Express

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Chapter One

"Can I sit with you? Everywhere else is full."

"Of course." I say, gesturing her inside the compartment. She had boy-short brown hair that had a few wisps fall in front of her face.

"Hi, I'm Alice Fortescue." She says with a smile.

"Fortescue?" She nods "As in, Florean Fortescue?" I think of my favorite Ice Cream parlor from Diagon Alley.

"He's my uncle." She says with a smirk. I gawk.

"I'm his biggest fan. Oh my gosh! Cornish Cocoa is my absolute favorite ice cream flavor!" She smiles.

"I'll be sure to let him know." She says, grinning, as she pulls out a cat from her backpack. She strokes him a few times before the compartment door bursts open. Four boys flooded in.

"I think we lost 'em." Says one with glasses as he looks out the window into the hall.

"Excuse me, you can't just barge in here!" Alice says, an angry look contorted her face.

"Remy. There you are. I was looking for you." I say to my brother.

"Juliet." He sighs, and plops down in the seat next to me. I sigh, and lean my head on his shoulder. He had light brown hair, and scars spreading across his face.

"And, you are?" I asked the other three, who had taken seats in the now stuffed compartment.

"I'm Pe-Peter." Stutters the small one.

"James. James Potter." Says the one with round glasses, he smiles pleasantly, but you could tell it masked a mischievous smirk. I turned expectantly to the last one. His hair hung almost to his shoulders, and he had an air of confidence around him, that I wasn't sure if I hated or enjoyed.

"Sirius Black." He says, putting his hand out for me to shake. I put my hand in his, and his soft skin wraps around my rough, calloused hand. He pulls mine close, and places his lips gently on the back of my hand. I yanked my hand away, and Remus took in a breath to retort, but was interrupted when a girl with red hair opened the door.

"Can I-" She glances around "Nevermind. There's no roo-"

"You can sit here." James said hopefully, as he scooted slightly toward Sirius to make room for her. But Sirius got shoved into Peter, who wound up completely pressed into the wall. The red haired girl looked at it thoughtfully for a moment.

"Alright." She said with a grateful nod in James' direction. She sat down next to James, and scooched slightly toward the wall so she was as far away from James as humanly possible, considering the lack of space on the bench. "I'm Lily Evans." She said looking around at us. I was the first to reply.

"I'm Juliet Lupin." I say with a small smile. After a long round of sharing our names, and a terrible attempt at flirting coming from both James, and Sirius. We sit there for a few hours, chatting until we thought it was time to change. "Boys. Out in the hall." I say forcefully. They roll their eyes slightly, and leave. The girls change, and when we're done, I get my bag out, and grab some powder from it.

"What's that?" Lily asks quietly. I smile.

"Invisible paint powder." I begin pouring it on the seats that James and Sirius were previously sitting in. Alice starts laughing quietly, and Lily looks at me like an exasperated parent. "Don't worry, Lil, the effects wear off in ten hours, give or take." She looks at me curtly, and I smirk. When I finish laying the paint, we step out into the hall to give the boys their turn.

"Took you long enough." James muttered grumpily. The boys change quickly, and open the door to let us in. We step inside, and everyone takes their seats. I try to bite back a grin, but can't help letting a smile spread across my lips.

"What?" I hear Remus whisper into my ear.


"You're smiling at Black." I whip my head to Remy.

"Was not." I challenge him.

"Thou canst not lie to me, Juliet." I narrow my eyes at him, and smirk at him.

"I was not looking, nor smiling at Mr Black." He smiles.

"If you say so." He says with a wicked smirk playing on his lips. I roll my eyes, and look out the window. Allowing me to tune out of the loud noise coming from the compartment. I begin to doze off against the cool glass window. The cold felt good against my headache. I fall into a dreamless sleep, thinking about Hogwarts, and the adventures I'll have.

I awaken to a screeching noise coming from the rails. We're here. I peer out the window, and see a sign that says Hogsmeade Station. I smile, and follow Remy out of the compartment. In no time at all, I'm standing in the great hall, watching other first years get sorted into their various houses. When Sirius, and James went up, I saw pink paint covering their rear ends. 

All of the people in my compartment, by some astonishing coincidence, wound up in Gryffindor. I said a silent prayer that I would share a house with my brother, and seeing as how he was now in Gryffindor, that's where I wanted to be.

"Juliet Lupin." Mcgonagall shouts. I step up, and sit on the short, wooden stool. The battered wizards hat is set on my long blonde hair.

'Aah, my goodness. This is quite possibly the easiest decision I've ever made.' "Gryffindor!" I smile, and run down to sit next to Remy. This was going to be a fun year.


A/N: Sorry it's a semi-short chapter, I just wanna see how I like it before spending too much time on it. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my Marauders fanfiction. Comment what hogwarts house you're in. Happy Reading


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