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Chapter three

I walk with James, Peter, and Sirius under the invisibility cloak. We follow madam Pomfrey down to the whomping willow. Remus enters the tree roots, and Madam Pomfrey walks back to the castle. Peter transforms into a rat, and scampers toward a specific knot in the tree roots. He presses it with his tail, and the tree is paralyzed. We all climb into the roots. When we reach solid ground under the tree, we transform into our animagi. James turns into a stag. Sirius turns into a large, black dog. And I turn into a Tawney Owl. We mastered our Animagi at the end of last year, and I've been helping Remus with his werewolf-ness all summer. 

they walk, while I fly down the long, wooden hallway, that leads to the shrieking shack. When we finally arrive, my brother is already in his werewolf form. I fly over to his cowering figure, as he scratches at himself. I perch on the mantel piece as the boys say things to Remus to make him feel better. I feel myself getting tired, but I force myself to stay awake. I can't fall asleep while my brother's a werewolf. There could be a chance that I morph back in my sleep, and Remus could attack me. 

I sit watching my brother all night, as he scratches himself, and howls. Some of the time, it was too painful to watch, and I had to close my eyes, or look away.

When Remus finally transformed back into his human form, I was practically falling asleep. We all walk out of the tree roots, and begin our trek to the castle. When we finally reach the warmth of the large structure, Remus goes to the hospital wing to check in with Madam Pomfrey, and the rest of us walk up to the Gryffindor common room under the protection of the invisibility cloak. When we reach the common room, I hike up the stairs and flop onto my bed. I managed to doze off for almost a minute before Lily wakes me up. I yawn, and get changed. 

The whole day I was falling asleep in classes, especially history of magic, because professor Binns hardly turns from the board.

By the time lunch came around, I felt like I was going to die from exhaustion. Why was magic so tiring? I get shaken out of my thoughts by someone's voice

"Are you alright?" Lily asks. I lift my chin from my palm, and nod as I yawn. 

"Hey, Strix, what's up?" Sirius says as he sits in the seat next to me. Strix was my nickname to the other marauders, because each of our nicknames were personalized to our animagi.

"The sky." I say, without missing a beat. He smiles.

"Cool. Do you wanna go out with me on Saturday?"

"No." I respond, as I shove food in my mouth. The corners of his mouth turns down. Lily looks from me to Sirius, and back. A large grin sits on her face. I give her a pleading look to get me out of here so I don't have to speak with Sirius. She gives a slight nod, and she stands up.

"C'mon, Jules. We gotta do the Arithmacy homework." She says with a smile. I happily stand up, and follow her out the door. Alice follows shortly after, with Mary McDonald following close behind. We had gotten to know Mary pretty well, considering she shared our dorm. We walk over to my favorite place to study; the black lake.

We sit with our bare feet sitting in the cold, dark water. Our Arithmacy books sitting on our laps. I was exceedingly grateful that I didn't have to speak with Sirius even though I had to do homework instead. However, that gratitude was short lived when the Marauders waltzed right over to us, interrupting our studying.

"Hey, Evans." James says with a handsome smile. Lily doesn't even look up from her work when she responds.

"Hello, arrogant toe-rag." I smirk and look up at James for his response, but my eyes lock with Sirius'. I quickly am pulled out of my trance with James' response.

"Come on, you know you love me."

"You're dumber than I thought." She responds standing up. She turns to me, "I'm going to go study with Sev. I'll see you later." She walks confidently back up to the castle, while James' eyes follow her until she enters the large building.

"Why doesn't she like me?" James asks as he fall onto the soft green grass.

"Maybe it's because you're an arrogant toe-rag." Mary says cheerfully. James glares daggers at her, and groans. I laugh, and so does Sirius. The second I hear his chuckles I stop. Sirius smiles the smile that usually made girls melt. It made me scowl.

"How do I get her to like me?" James asks me, as he sits up. I smirk.

"Don't be an arrogant toe-rag?" I suggest sarcastically. He looks at me for a moment before responding,

"I'm serious."

"No. He's Sirius." I point to Sirius. James groans again. The girls laugh, and start to walk up to the castle. "Okay, Prongs, I'll give you some advice." I say, once the girls are out of earshot. "Girls, one, don't like it when guys bully people." He takes a deep breath to say something, "Don't interrupt me, because I know you bully plenty of kids, especially the Slytherins. And, before you try to interrupt me again, I do know that the Slytherins deserve it, but it's not your place to bully them." He looks slightly chagrined. I notice Sirius is listening intently at my words. "And, another thing girls don't like, is when you go on dates with other people." I say, recalling last night, when James was snogging a Ravenclaw girl. He looks down in defeat for a moment, before his face changes to a look of utter determination.

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