Fifth Year

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Chapter Two

I shovel food onto my plate as Lily talks about our classes, and O.W.L.s. I see Alice talking with Frank Longbottom, he says something in her ear that makes her grin. James is sitting right next to Lily, and watching her fondly, though she doesn't notice. Remus is talking to Peter and Sirius is just watching me. I try to ignore Sirius, but it's nearly impossible with his Grey eyes looking at me. I throw a glare his way, and proceed to shove food in my mouth. I've never been one for polite eating. I always shovel as much food in my mouth as possible, much to my mothers dismay. As much as I hated Sirius watching me, I remember a time when I was the one watching him. Back in second year, it was no secret that I had a massive crush on him. During wintertime three years ago, me and Sirius had actually become friends.


We were walking around the grounds, while snow fell lightly upon us.



"Can I tell you something?"

"Of course." He said, stopping in his tracks, as he turned to me.

"I-I-" I take a deep breath, and muster as much bravery as I could "I like you, Sirius." I say hesitantly. I look in his eyes to see what emotion they're showing, they hold shock for a moment before they soften. He leans toward me, and whispers in my ear,

"I like you too." My face flushes for a moment, and then a large smile spreads across my lips. He stares into my eyes, before coming closer, our foreheads touch and he places his soft lips on mine. I feel all of the butterflies in my stomach go away as I melt into the kiss. We pull away, our foreheads still touching.

The next morning I felt like I was on cloud nine. I walk around the castle happily, as I looked for a certain boy. I walk up to the common room, and to my horror, I see him sitting in the seat in the corner. A girl sat on his lap, and their lips were connected. I run up the stairs to the girls dormitories, and fall on my bed.

*End Flashback*

I didn't move from that spot for almost a week. Missing many of my classes. Ever since then I completely despised him, and would spend as little time with him as possible. However, that was rather hard when he would ask me out on a date almost twenty times a day. 

I'm sitting in the common room, talking with Alice about her summer. Her and Frank Longbottom have been going steady for almost a whole year. I start sketching in my notebook, giving Alice only half my attention. I start working on the shading on my dragon sketch.

"That's really good. What type of dragon is it?" Sirius says, looking over my shoulder.

"Hungarian Horntail." I say flatly. Sirius jumps over the back of the couch, and lands sitting next to me. I let out an exasperated sigh. 

"Will you go out with me?"

"No." I say, not looking up from my sketch. Out of my peripheral vision I see him pout slightly, but quickly, he regains his normal, confidant face.

"You'll say yes one of these days."

"Is that a threat?"

"It's a promise."

"Keep dreaming." I say, I stand up, and walk up the stairs to the girls dormitories. Alice follows shortly after. She has a large grin on her face as she looks at me. "What?"

"Nothing." She says slyly, keeping a grin on her face the whole time. I roll my eyes, and get ready for bed. 

When I finally force myself to sleep, It's almost one o'clock in the morning. My eyes close, and I drift into a terrible slumber. 

A/N/Warning: Slightly violent scene, but it's kind of important for the story. If you get triggered by blood, skip the italic part.

I'm laying under a bunkbed. I see two pairs of feet from where I am. One of the pairs was significantly larger than the other. The larger person shoved the smaller one to the ground. In the corner I could see my parents dead bodies. Remus was now, trying to scamper away from the adult. Fenrir Greyback. Greyback slashes Remus' face, and blood seeps from the gashes. Greyback lifts my unconscious brothers arm and bites down on it. Blood drips from his mouth, and I have to squeeze my eyes shut. I force myself to stay quiet, as my brother screams.

I wake up to Lily saying my name. I'm covered in cold sweat, and I sit up, staring into lily's concerned eyes. I wipe the sweat from my forehead onto my pajama sleeve.

"Nightmare?" Lily asks. I pull my legs toward my chest, and bury my face in my knees as I nod. I feel tears spill onto my knees, as I close my eyes, to try and stop the salty water from pouring. Lily places a hand on my shoulder sympathetically. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I shake my head, no, and she nods solemnly. Lily abruptly stands up, and steps to her nightstand. She pulls out a bar of chocolate, and hands it to me. I force a smile, as I take the chocolate, and mutter a,

"Thank you." She smiles at me, and sits back down on my bed.

"Do you wanna go down to the common room?" I nod. For the past four years, me and Lily would sit in the common room whenever I had a nightmare like this. I always had nightmares, but some weren't quite as bad as others. We sit down on the couch in the common room, and we stare into the fireplace. The flames are dancing on the pieces of wood. I force my eyes to stay open, as tiredness, and fatigue settle over me. I don't want to go back to sleep. Sleep is a horrible place. Full of demons, and sadness. I look at Lily who is staring into the fireplace contently.

"You and James, huh?" She looks at me like I'm crazy, which in all honesty, I am.

"No. What gave you that idea." 

"I think it was the way you two were looking at each other during dinner." She rolls her eyes

"I didn't look at him during dinner." I smile, and shrug

"If you say so." She pauses for a moment before a grin dances across her lips.

"You and Sirius, huh?" I glare at her

"Lily." I say warningly

"What?" She says, false innocence lingers in her voice.

"I do not like Sirius."

"Seriously?" I roll my eyes at the lame joke. "Okay, if you say so." She finishes pointedly. I playfully glare at her, and we continue in silence. Not needing to say anything to make us feel comfortable.

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