Stupid Ravenclaw

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Chapter Fourteen

I walk down the steps to the great hall. I'm completely starving. I missed lunch, and I hear my stomach rumble as I sit down next to Alice.

"Hey!" She says as I plop down.

"Hey." I grumble

"Someone's in a mood." I roll my eyes, and load my plate with food. I see Alice glance to her right, before muttering "I wish they'd get a room." I look at who she was talking about, and to my complete and utter disgust, it was Sirius. A Ravenclaw girl who I recognize as Sue Jenkins was sitting on his lap, and they were kissing quite passionately. I turn my head back to my food, suddenly losing my appetite. I stand up, and begin to walk away

"Where you going?" She asks.

"Somewhere else." I say before running out of the great hall. I don't even recognize where I'm going. I just know I had to leave. Why would it bother me if he wants to kiss another girl? It really shouldn't bother me. It's not like I like him or anything. I feel a pang of something when I think that. What was that feeling? I think it was denial. No, it wasn't denial. I don't like Sirius. There it was again. I don't like Sirius. I don't like Sirius. I keep repeating this until I'm in the tree by the black lake. I look out over the lake, and watch the sunset. I don't like Sirius. I don't like Sirius. I like Sirius. Wait. Did I just-? Dang it! I don't like Sirius! But I still felt the denial burning up through my stomach. I don't like Sirius. I can't like Sirius.

"Stupid Ravenclaw." I mutter, scraping off some of my nail polish. "Stupid Ravenclaw." I keep muttering this, until I hear something underneath me.

"Come on, Sirius, kiss me." He laughs,

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something."

"And what is that?" She moves her hands, and begins curling them in his hair.

"I want to break up with you." He says bravely. I almost don't believe what I'm hearing.

"What?" She asks, dumbfounded. I almost hear the tears ready to spill over her cheeks.

"I want to break with you." He says slower. I almost feel like laughing.

"Why? I thought things were going good. I thought that we-" He cuts her off

"Things were going good, but- I can't. There are things I need to figure out before getting serious with someone." Getting Serious. I snort, and quickly cover my mouth and nose. Sirius looks up, but doesn't see me. I had heard this whole speech so many times. It was the same thing he said to every girl, and I always found it funny.

"You're breaking up with me so you can be with the Lupin girl, huh?" My eyes widen, and I look at Sirius expectantly.

"No." I frown. "As much as I like her, she's not the reason I'm breaking up with you. I just don't think we'll work out. Honestly, I don't think you're what I'm looking for, and I don't think I'm what you're looking for." He says, fake sadness rolled off his tongue.

"I'll miss you." She says. He smiles in fake sadness

"I'll miss you too." She kisses him on the cheek lightly, and walks back to the castle. As soon as she's out of earshot, Sirius starts talking again. "Juliet Lupin is the smartest, most perfect girl in the whole world. She's also the best tree climber, and listening inner ever." I suddenly feel something throw me out of the tree. "Then again, maybe not." He smirks.

"Sirius!" I stand up quickly, and wipe the grass off my butt. He laughs. "How did you know I was up there?"

"Your snort. You have a very recognizable laugh. I've heard it a thousand times. It's hard to forget." I blush. "So, why were you listening in on my conversation?"

"I didn't mean too. You guys just decided to talk under my tree." I say, exasperatedly

"It's not your tree." He says pointedly

"Sure it is. You have no proof that it isn't."

"it's school property, Strix." He points out.

"Lets ask Dumbledore, shall we?"

"I don't care that much."

"No. You just don't want to be proven wrong." I say, as we start walking up to the large castle.

"Okay, I don't want to be proven wrong, but there's no way that's your tree."

"If I admit it's not my tree, can we stop talking about it?"

"Maybe." He says smugly

"Fine, it's not my tree." I say annoyed. "You happy now?" I ask.

"Very much. Yes." I roll my eyes. We talk until we reach the castle doors.

"Actually, do you wanna go down to Hogsmeade, and pick up some butterbeer?"

"Sure. Sounds like a great first date." I stop in my tracks.

"It's not a date." I say. Me stopping caused him to stop, and turn to me.

"This is so great. I've asked you out so many times, and you've always said no. And then randomly, you ask me out."

"I did not ask you out. I wanted butterbeer, and didn't want to get in trouble alone." I say pointedly "McGonagall will punish you, because I'm her favorite."

"Yeah, right. Minnie loves me." I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, she loves the only guy with a head so big he can barely walk through doors." He puts his hand on his chest to feign hurt.

"I know why you asked me." He says. But he doesn't keep going.

"And why exactly did I ask you?"

"Because you were jealous of the Ravenclaw girl."

"Ravenclaw girl? You don't know her name?" I ask

"Of course I know her name! It was- umm-" He squeezes his eyes shut in deep thought "Sarah? Or was it Suzy?" He thinks about it in deep contemplation "It was Sarah."

"Sue. Jenkins. That would not be something I'm jealous of. I don't want to date a guy who just likes me 'cause I'm a good kisser. I want someone who likes me because of who I am. And I would appreciate it if they know my name."

"Strix, I've liked you before I ever kissed you. I liked you because you love butterbeer, you like pranking people, you care about everyone, even house elves. you're smart, funny, and pretty. And, I know your full name. Juliet Margene Lupin. Does that make you happy?" I'm taken aback.

"Yes. It does. But this still isn't a date. I just wanted butterbeer, and Lily didn't want to come. She still hasn't come out of the common room after what happened with Snivillus. And, just so you know, I'm still mad at you for that."

"I apologized! To you, Lily, and even Snape! Why haven't you forgiven me?!" I knew he was genuine when he apologized.

"Because I like watching you squirm."

"That's mean!" He shouts

"I know."

"You should be in Slytherin." We walk down to Hogsmeade, and get the butterbeer. We talk the whole time, enjoying each others company.

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