Gryffindor VS. Slytherin

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Chapter Seven

Today was our first Quidditch game of the season. Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. I was pumped, but the rest of the team looked really nervous. 

"You excited?" I ask Sirius and James as I sit down next to them at breakfast

"Absolutely!" They shouted at the same time "We're gonna kick some Slytherin butt!" I smile, and dish some food onto my plate.

I felt extremely confident until we began to make our way to the quidditch pitch. We change into our scarlet quidditch robes, and walk out onto the bright field. Weather conditions were good, and I knew we would do well. We've spent a whole month practicing, and I knew we were ready to win. I noticed Sirius' expression darken when he saw his brother coming onto the field with the Slytherins. 

"Captains, shake hands." I reach forward, and shake Steven Whitfleets hand. He grips my hand, and tightens his hand. I gripped his hand tighter, and I noticed a slight wince. "Mount your brooms." Madam Hooch shouts. We comply, and get into a ready positions. The bludgers, and the snitch shoot into the air. Madam Hooch throws the quaffle, and I kick off the ground. I see Marlene take her position in front of the goals. Sirius flies nearby, ready to hit the bludgers. I fly higher until I'm at the best vantage point. I begin to look for the snitch, not even listening to the commentary.

"30-10! Gryffindor!" I hear Frank Longbottom shout. I glance at Marlene, who blocked yet another quaffle from going in. I look around, and suddenly see Regulus Black dive. I dive after him. He saw the snitch. I trail behind him.

Sirius' POV

I watch Juliet dive, and I see a grin on Regulus' face. He's tricking her. I fly toward a bludger, and quickly send one where Regulus will be. I pray I wont hit Jules. I watch the brown bludger soar toward the pair, and watch it hit Regulus' broom. I smile. Bulls-eye. But my joy was short lived, when Juliet ran into him, and began to fall. I dive to catch her, but I miss. She plummets to the ground. Being caught by a spell coming from the stands. I land on the ground. 

"Strix!" I shout, running over to her. I notice her hand is gripped around something "Are you okay?!" I shout worriedly. She throws a lopsided smile my way, and opens her fist, palm up. A small golden ball spreads its wings, and flutters them. The snitch. 

"Juliet Lupin has caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!" I pick her up, and spin her around.

"We won!" Soon the pitch is filled with students. The Gryffindors lift Jules up onto our shoulders. 

"Lupin! Lupin! Lupin! Lupin!" We keep cheering all the way to the Gryffindor common room.

Juliets POV

I watch as all of the Gryffindors crowd around me. Congratulating me. I hear a song by "Queen" Come on, and know Sirius has taken control of the stereo. 

We party all night long, and didn't go to bed until 3 in the morning. I walk upstairs, and into the dorms. I can barely keep my eyes open as I crash on the nearest bed. I'm not even sure it's mine. I quickly fall asleep on the comfortable bed.


I wake up to the smell of cologne. What? My eyes flutter open slowly, and I look at my surroundings. I'm not in my dormitory. I see Remus, James and Peter laying in the beds nearby. I'm in Sirius' bed. I throw off the covers quickly, and begin to run out the dormitory. But I don't make it to the door before I trip on something. I land on something hard, but soft. I feel it wince, and watch as Sirius' eyes open

"Hello, Strix. Sleep well?" I quickly scrambled off of him, and stood. He slept on the floor.

"Why are you on the floor?"

"I wasn't going to wake you."

"Why not?"

"Okay, I tried, but you hit me, so I decided I didn't want to die. So I slept on the floor." I blush.

"Okay. Bye." I run out of the dorm, and run into the girls dorm. I slam the door closed. Lily was sitting up in her bed, reading.

"Where were you?" Lily asks. I awkwardly explain what happened, and throw glares at Lily every time she laughs.

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