Dress shopping and Christmas parties

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Chapter Eight

A few months passed, and Lily and I walk through the snow down to Hogsmeade, I smile at the soft, white substance that falls from above. I open my mouth, and stick my tongue out to catch one.

"Ooo!" Lily shouts, as she yanks me into a dress shop.

"Lily! What are we doing here?" I ask, glaring at both her, and the gorgeous dresses hanging from the racks.

"Come on, you gotta help me find a dress for Slughorns Christmas party." She whined. I look at the pleading look on her face, and sigh in defeat. She squeals. "Okay, what color do you think?" I look at her.

"Green." She smiles.

"Okay, what size are you in?" I rear backward

"Excuse me? I'm not shopping." 

"Yes, you are. You can't go to Slughorns Christmas party wearing a tank top, and jeans."

"I'm not going, so it doesn't matter what you say I can't wear." After almost thirty minutes of arguing, I finally gave in. Lily smiles happily, and hands me a dozen dresses to try on. I exit the dressing room, wearing a long, pink dress, and Lily gasps. I look in the mirror, and try to hide a smile. My long, dark hair cascades down my back, and onto my shoulders. My gray eyes pierce my reflection.

"What do you think?" I ask, hesitantly.

"You look like a princess." I smile. Lily is wearing a long, strapless green dress that makes her eyes look piercing. My attention gets taken away by the four boys standing outside the window. The marauders are standing there. Remus, and Peter are trying to get Sirius and James to go, but they stare at us. I smile and wave at them. Their mouths were dragging on the ground as they sheepishly walked away. Remus had a large grin on his face, and seemed to enjoy making fun of Sirius.

We buy the dresses, and continue our journey through Hogsmeade. Before we head back up to the castle, we go into the three broomsticks for some butterbeer. We order our drinks, and sit down at the nearest table. We spot Molly, and Arthur in a corner booth...snogging. Gross! I think to myself.

"Hey, Strix." Sirius says as he sits right next to me. I turn my head, and realize just how close we are. I quickly scooch away from him, and take a sip of my butterbeer.


"Hurry up! I wanna see!" Mary shouts to both me and Lily. Lily steps down the stairs, and I hear Mary gasp. I peek out, and see Mary admiring Lilys gown. 

"Jules, come on, we're going to be late." Lily says, glancing at the clock on the wall.

"I don't think I can. I-I'll just stay here, okay?"

"I did not spend four hours on your hair and makeup just so you could say you're not going." She says sharply. I groan.

"Okay, but, Mary, promise not to laugh." I say quietly. I take a deep breath, and step down the stairs into the common room. Mary just stares. Lily smiles proudly at me. I look in the mirror that sits on the wall. I see my black hair twisted into an intricate bun, and the pink dress sways softly as I step toward the two girls. Lily's hair hung loosely around her shoulders. I pull on the white shawl that Lily made me for my birthday last year.

"Shall we?" Lily says jokingly, putting her arm up for me to grab. 

"We shall."

"Have fun guys!" Mary shouts as we step through the portrait hole.

We walk to professor Slughorns office, and as we do, we pass many people who seem to be dressed up, probably going to the same place. When we reach the office, professor Slughorn greets us cheerfully. We smile at him,

"And, miss  Lupin, I haven't seen you at one of these events in quite some time, we're glad you could finally make it." He gestures us inside. When I step in, my eyes instantly find Sirius'. We stare at each other, before someone cleared their throat next to me. I turn to look, and see Thomas Mclaggen standing there.

"Hello, Juliet. Would you like to dance?"

"I would love to, although I must warn you, I may step on your toes."

"A few bruises would be worth dancing with you." He says, taking my hand, and walking me to the dance floor. He is dressed in a handsome suit, and his hair is combed perfectly, not a hair out of place. When the music starts, he puts a hand on my waist, and we begin dancing to the music. As I anticipated, I stepped on his feet so many times, I was sure his feet would be completely purple in the morning.

"Thank you for the lovely dance." I say, as the song ends. I step away, and go to find Lily, who was dancing with Snape.

"You look beautiful." I jump, and lock eyes with Sirius.

"Thank you. You look quite handsome as well." I say politely, before taking a sip of punch.

"Care to dance?" I smell smoke, sugar, and cologne, as he moves a little closer to me.

"No thank you." I turn away from the handsome boy, and walk toward the food table.

thirty minutes later, I was standing near the door. Hoping to get away from the party without Lily noticing. I see her turn her back to me, and I run out of the room. I walk through the hallways until I reach the doors. I step out into the cold weather, I walk toward the black lake, the way being illuminated by the lights from the castle. I walk by the black lake, and stare out at the ice.

I pull my wand out, and cast a spell on my silver flats. They turn into ice-skates, and I glide onto the water. I close my eyes, and glide slowly, and confidently across the frozen lake. My eyes still closed, I move forward slightly, and hit something soft, but strong. My eyes shoot open, and I come face to face with none other than Sirius Black.

"What are you doing?" I ask grumpily at the tall Gryffindor.

"Ice skating. Obviously." He says with a light smirk. I throw a glare his way, and swerve around him easily. He comes up behind me. "Saw you with Mclaggen tonight. You guys dating?" I almost snort.

"Me and Mclaggen? No we aren't dating. He's not my type." I chuckle. He seems to like my response, as he grins broadly.

"And what is your type?" I turn around.

"None of your business, Black." He grabs my elbows, and pulls me closer to him. I look into his gorgeous grey eyes, and I think I kind of melted.

"If you say so." He leans in slightly, we're so close, I'm afraid he'll hear my heart beating out of my chest. His eyes dart to my lips, and then back up to my eyes.

"Sirius?" I say as he leans slightly closer


"Kiss me." I whisper shakily. He smiles, and presses his lips to mine. Somehow, every care melted away. The only things that mattered was me and Sirius. I feel him smile into my lips, and I press harder, more sure of what I was doing. I get yanked out of the kiss by a gust of cold wind. I shiver.

"Are you cold? Come on, lets get you inside." I wrap my shawl around me tighter, and use my wand to remove my skates. We walk up to the castle, and in no time at all, I was running through the portrait hole. I left Sirius when we reached the castle, and immediately ran in the direction of the common room. I run up the stairs to the girls dormitories, and rush into the fifth years room. I pull my hair out of my face, and pant. Lily looks at me concernedly.

"What's wrong?"

"I-I-I kissed Sirius Black."

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