Chapter 11

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Both crews had learned the hard way of what the sun did to flesh when not treated before exposure. The unpleasant burning turned scratching made them all a little irritable, including Kierst who couldn't believe the sun was responsible until the evidence proved to be overwhelming. The medical computer produced a lotion that was supposed to help for a few hours, which he begrudgingly agreed to use next time he was on Earth.

The excitement and competitiveness were infectious to all as even Kierst was getting in a few verbal jabs at the other crew. He was no longer uncomfortable sitting next to any of his crew mates in the cafeteria or briefing room, since the discomfort had vanished over time. Being part of a crew was like having a family in some strange and wondrous sense of the word.

He just stepped out of the chemical shower when he found Dune with a strange look on his face, which led him to ask with real concern. "What's wrong?"

Dune shook his head before speaking in a sullen tone. "Flight's been cancelled."

Kierst felt his eyes widen a little against his will. "Why?"

There was a great deal of displeasure to be heard as he spoke with irritability. "Know idea. Petrovich didn't give a reason. All I know is both crews are expected in the briefing. Get your boots on. Briefing's about to start."

He made his way to his bed as Dune waited for him, since Kierst had a tendency of dragging his feet when it came to briefings. They were always the same thing, which made them pointless as far as he was concerned. Kierst wasn't the only one to feel that way, but nothing could be done to stop them. What Mars wanted is what they got, even though the scientists weren't on the moon and had no idea what they were doing.

He pulled on his well-worn boots right before Dune pulled him out of bed. "Tired of being late because of you. Move it."

Kierst thought of protesting, but would do no good. Dune waited for him to pass to make certain there was nothing slow about his movements as he felt the occasional push in the shoulders whenever he thought Kierst was walking slower than he should. He moved quicker than he had to any briefing, but knew it would be nothing more than a repeat of what they'd heard countless times.

For a change, Kierst and Dune weren't the last ones to enter the briefing. Dembe and Kasun weren't in their seats, which was strange. Kierst had never seen their seats empty before. Rather than dwell on the reason, he took his seat to see Petrovich and Lita both with stoic masks on their faces.

Dembe and Kasun both had disappointed looks on their faces as they realized they were last to enter. No one said a word about it, not even their own crewmembers, as they took their seats in silence. Petrovich and Lita continued to stand with masked faces for several seconds after the last two entered.

The door they had all entered closed for the first time, which led to the immediate conclusion they were going to get gassed. Protests erupted immediately about just how unnecessary it was to put them to sleep. No matter what Mars said, it made no sense.

Lita's voice rose easily above the roar of protests, which silenced them all. "We aren't gassing you. We've severed communication to Mars in this room. The scientists believe it's a technical issue we're working on, but one that will never be fixed. They'll suspect we did it on purpose before long, but nothing they can do about it. As long as it remains suspicion, they won't do anything."

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