After a quick medical examination and long shower, Kierst stood next to Dune on the newly formed range with pistol in hand. Dune was instructing his team on the proper use until his ankle healed. He was the height of professionalism on the range as he tolerated nothing, which Kierst begrudgingly respected. There was none that knew the importance more than him and swallowed every barb cast his way when errors were made.
He pulled the trigger and missed the mark, which resulted in Dune snapping out. "Squeeze, Kierst. You keep pulling the trigger you'll keep missing. Squeeze, don't pull."
Kierst steadied his breath and took careful aim before pulling, which caused him to scream out at everyone and no one. "This is impossible."
Rather than yelling, Dune spoke with a calm voice. "You're frustrating yourself. You'll get the hang of it. Holster your pistol, Kierst. You need a break."
He did as he was told as he shook his head to show more than frustration. "How do you do it, Dune?"
Not even a smile crept across his face. "Practice creates muscle memory. Once muscle memory hits, it becomes natural. Go and get some water. I don't want to see you on the range for at least an hour."
He nodded as he turned away without looking to see how the others were doing, since he didn't want to know. A break would help, but not as much as drinking a simple glass of water. It was something he took for granted on Mars, but going without made the well seem a small miracle feeding the pipes running through the encampment and into the Nostos.
Tabari was standing next to Lita and Petrovitch as he stopped to fill a glass with a smile. The smell and taste was something to be savored and never wanted to return to that time when he took it for granted. With secrecy being the priority, they couldn't even go to the river to run a simple pipe.
The cold ran down his throat as Tabari continued on with his report, which Kierst had been excused from. "He wouldn't settle down. Wouldn't listen to anything. No time to make him understand. I had to knock him out or leave him."
Lita's soft voice served to comfort Tabari, who must've been questioning his action. "You did the right thing, Tabari. Don't let doubt tell you anything else. Any one of us would've done the same."
Tabari nodded without being fully convinced as Asha interrupted at the most unfortunate time with her voice sounding as uncertain as ever, which was simply the way she spoke. "They're awake, Commander."
Her green eyes darted between the two Commanders uncertain of which to address, which led Petrovitch to speak without waiting on her. "Are you sure, Asha."
Asha's dark head nodded rapidly, but her voice didn't match the movement. "I am. At least I think I am. They're both rambling on about Luna. Might be talking in their sleep, Commander Petrovitch, but don't think so."
Petrovitch nodded and was ready to speak as soon as the last of the words left her mouth. "A simple yes would've sufficed, Asha, but no matter."
He turned towards Kierst and Tambari and raised his voice a little. "You two, come with me." His face turned in Asha's direction. "Get some water and catch your breath, Asha."

Return to Earth
Science FictionThis is a completed novel that has been proofed. Editing will begin in April, 2022. Shortly after the first ships were sent to colonize Mars all communication with Earth was lost. The other ships that were supposed to arrive never did. What had star...