Chapter 27

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The flight was made at a reckless pace as Boyd spoke between grunts from a speed he wasn't used to. Victor was enjoying himself, despite what he'd heard, since he'd never had as much fun. To him, the movement was a celebration of both action and cause. They were going to stop Cascadia from doing what Boyd told them was going to happen and the villages, his village, would remain safe.

Their flight was too short to get into details, but it was enough to motivate them to bring President Boyd to the heart of his city where a crowd was listening to Redding. A closer visual found recognizable faces standing on either side. They couldn't hear what she was saying, but could hear the angry shouts in response in response.

The Hetairoi forced the crowd to part as the other ships took up position on either side of Redding with weapons aimed at the usurpers. It was a slow landing to keep from crushing anyone, which Kierst didn't like. He wanted to be out to deal with Redding himself, but knew the mission was not his to command. There wasn't any doubt about what she had planned and should be delt with quickly.

Lita led the way after giving the order to keep their sidearms holstered and visors down. They followed with Boyd standing next to her, but was impossible to know who he was by anyone looking at them. A hush fell over the crowd as the shocked faces brought a smile to Kierst's face, especially the look on Redding's face. She recovered quickly, but he had seen the truth of her hatred in those brief seconds. It wasn't from anything other than interrupting her speech, but the look was clear she would've had them shot if she could.

Redding smiled her politician smile. "Commander Lita, I do wish you would've told us you were coming. We would've run out the red carpet for you and your crew. There would've been a magnificent feast in your honor."

Lita's voice was amplified by the gear. "I'm sure you would have, Governor Redding. Someplace private and out of the way to keep us from this place. We know everything."

The other looked nervous as the crowd remained silent and confused, but Redding put on a confident bearing. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Lita snapped at her. "Yes, you do. President Boyd, the one you're blaming for your own actions to usurp your government, told us everything."

She shook her head without losing her role. "I'm sorry to say President Boyd died. He was caught fleeing from the scene of his crime and executed for his treason."

Boyd raised his visor and spoke loud enough to be heard. "You really need better security. I am alive and have sanctuary at the Nostos." Fear touched her face as he continued. "I gave them my personal codes, which gave them access to everything, including your private orders. They know what you've done." His eyes moved across those glancing more nervously. "What you've all done."

Kierst knew it was a bluff, but a good one. They had no way of knowing just how difficult it was to get the information, but the reactions told Kierst they believed they had been discovered. Only Redding continued with the air of innocence.

Redding looked to the crowd. "It's a lie. I've already shown you the proof of what that traitor did."

Lita saw an opportunity. "Fabricated proof easily disproven by our technology. Was it just his friendship with a German Jewish president that brought on your plot to blame him?"

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