Chapter 24

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Polina and Wen had returned long enough to take some tools and parts with them in the Tagma, and Victor had chosen to return to the Nostos. When Dune discovered his Christianity was shared by most, he started his own study group upon his return. As long as it didn't interfere in duties, neither Commander had any problems with giving him the go ahead.

Dune invited Kierst on more than one occasion, and turned him down each time. He'd had enough religion for one lifetime and had no interest in pursuing anything close to them. It was strange to have witnessed what they had and still believe it was little more than fairy tales. There was no God; just the sun that would someday burn out as all stars did.

Victor had something on his mind, but wouldn't speak to anyone about it. He had been troubled ever since they left Cascadia. Whatever it was hadn't impacted his duties in the least, since he threw himself into them with everything he had. Even the patrols that had resumed were met with a seriousness of duty.

He wanted to learn to fly, which resulted in several hours in the simulator in addition to the other duties he had, but Kierst didn't mind spending the extra time. Kierst had reminded him that there were others who could teach him more suited, but he was the one Victor wanted. For some reason, he was more comfortable around Kierst than anyone else, and guessed it had something to do with Kierst never asking what was bothering him.

Victor grew frustrated with the lack of progress, but Kierst encouraged him every step of the way. Those on Mars grew up with a basic understanding of how flight worked, since so many things on Mars required flight of some kind. Victor hadn't even known it was possible until just recently.

The two were on patrol with visors raised to talk freely, since the microphone's had been turned off at their end. They could still hear, but couldn't respond immediately. It had become common practice encouraged by both Commanders, since their people needed to be free to speak without having to worry about their every word being listened to.

Sidearms remained holstered as they carried long sticks to move snakes when needed or clear webbing they didn't want to land on them. The visors made their faces vulnerable to bites of insects and spiders, but it was a risk they were willing to take. Recycled air got tiresome, unlike fresh air away from the Nostos.

Victor's voice wasn't exactly quiet, since the drone would have picked up movement of bandits or large animals in the area. "Can we talk without it getting back to anyone?"

Kierst stopped midstride and turned to Victor without even the slightest smile. "I won't tell anyone. What's on your mind?"

He thought over the wording as a gentle breeze touched Kierst's face carrying pleasant scents of nature. "Everyone else has asked me why I returned and what's wrong, but you never have. Why?"

There was no need for Kiest to think over his answer. "I figured you had your reasons for both. If you wanted to talk to someone, you'd talk to someone. Don't need anyone trying to get something out of you, no matter the intent."

A bit of silence passed between the two as Kierst waited for Victor to speak. "I couldn't stay with them. They have spies within the bandits, but do nothing to stop the villages from being attacked. Someone must've seen us being taken to get killed, but no one did anything to stop it. You and Dembe were the ones who acted to save our lives.

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