Kierst tried his hand at praying on multiple occasions as they waited for the data to return. It was clumsy, but wasn't going to ask Dune how it was done. He didn't want him to know just how seriously he was taking the advice, since there was already an increased push to read the Bible. There was too much to do for him to take the time needed to read anything.
Victor was having an easier time accepting Dune's words. He should've turned his back on the whole thing after a lifetime of false teachings, including the brief moment he spent in Cascadia, but Victor remained Victor no matter what. His faith was as strong as his spirit. There was something within his adopted brother he couldn't quite identify beyond the surface of his perpetual happiness.
He was sitting next to Victor with faces turned towards the sun and helmets in hand. Victor had finally managed to take off and land in the simulator under normal conditions for where they were. It was shaky and rough, but there was no crash. Even if they had, Victor would still be smiling, since he was the happiest person he'd ever come across, which tended to be a bit infectious.
Kierst was just about to ask Victor why he was always happy in order to find out his secret when Petrovitch's voice called out to everyone. "Dune, Kierst and Victor, meet Commander Lita at the Hetairoi. Everyone else, get to the briefing room."
They were the first to arrive as they stood outside the ship waiting for the others to join them. Dune was at the range and Lita, he guessed, was in the main building. It took only seconds to prove Kierst's guess right as he watched her leave with helmet on her head. They watched Dune rush past to his quarters to get his helmet.
Lita looked at them and spoke from command position. "Get in. I'll explain on the way. Leave the copilot for Dune."
She entered as they responded together and chose seats with aisle between them. Kierst was going to have to call out anything that came up on the sensors, which left Victor free to enjoy the trip to wherever they were going. Kierst moved his hand to the sidearm to ensure it was there out of habit, since the last thing he wanted was to go to some unknown place unarmed.
It may have been just seconds that passed before Dune entered, but it felt like minutes as Kierst searched out any sign of trouble close to the Nostos. The weather may have been clear, but he had seen things change quickly. A familiar hiss came as they rose and watched for any sign of atmospheric trouble that might lie ahead.
Lita's voice was focused on both flying and the mission. "The drones found what looks like a nearby camp. Can't be anyone else. Has to be the bandits. We're going to investigate while they continue to search the area.
"We're heading due north. Watch for the changes, Kierst. They come quicker there than here."
Kierst felt a little better knowing which direction they were heading. A lot of open land, which meant a lot of wind and possible debris. It wasn't ideal for flying close to the ground, but it could be worse. They could always be flying into a canyon.
Lita compensated for the wind as they sped along just above the trees without anything needing to be called out. There were no storms coming and she easily handled the changes in the gusts that came and went. It was a pleasant ride, which Kierst knew they'd gotten lucky.

Return to Earth
Science FictionThis is a completed novel that has been proofed. Editing will begin in April, 2022. Shortly after the first ships were sent to colonize Mars all communication with Earth was lost. The other ships that were supposed to arrive never did. What had star...