Mrs. Dempsey, after an eternity of rambling on, finally looked at him and asked a question in a sincere voice. "Now that you know the truth, what do you think about Solis, Kierst?"
She smiled as he struggled to find words that wouldn't get him killed. "I think it's a lot to take in. You made a lot of good points. Something I'll have to think about, Mrs. Dempsey."
Kierst feared she would continue on, but simply nodded with an almost pleasant smile and spoke in a soft voice. "It's a lot to take in, but I know Solaris will guide you to the truth, Kierst."
He turned to find the button and swore a silent oath he would never put himself in a position to be threatened with expulsion. Kierst knew he had to do better to keep his place and would show his Commanders he wasn't as expendable as he currently was. Part of him hoped it was something that would soon be forgotten, but he didn't put much faith in that happening.
The soft hiss hit as he pushed the button and felt Mrs. Dempsey brush against him. They walked out together with Kierst hearing the not so silent praises of Solis with every step they took until they were outside. Her head tilted towards the sun as she practically shouted her praise without drawing so much as a single head. It was strange to see the sun so high, since he was certain night had come from how long she'd spoken, but wasn't going to let a gift go to waste by saying anything to further her speech to him.
Despite his stomach, they made their way to the Hetairoi, where Lita was waiting with Cora and Dembe. He hoped she was telling the truth about the rations, but didn't care either way. Kierst just wanted to get to the Temple and be rid of Mrs. Dempsey as soon as possible. Hunger would be an annoyance, but prolonging the flight would be worse.
The sun was becoming a bit oppressive with every step as sweat broke on his brow and the air was thick in his lungs. Without slots in the walls, there wasn't much of a breeze to reach them, which made things more unpleasant. He still viewed the sun as a friend, though a little fiercer than he expected, but would never complain.
Sweat was dripping down his face and stung his eyes as they reached the ship. Dembe was smiling as he handed Kierst his gear, without allowing his eyes to look at what could be seen of the scar from within the raised visor, upon entering without being stopped to put it on. Lita wanted to get to the Temple before night came and Kierst would have to struggle to get everything on while in the air.
He had expected to see Victor, but Petrovitch must've had him doing something. Despite everything, Victor would never see his wife again. There should've at least been some form of saying goodbye, but perhaps custom prevented it. Whatever the reason, Mrs. Dempsey was just as disinterested as her husband.
They took their seats as he watched her face and struggled into his gear. There wasn't the slightest interest in the movement that came with taking off. Mrs. Dempsey was there only because she agreed to fly with them, but there was nothing pleasant about it. She tolerated everything she experienced with fanatic's fire in her eyes and something else just beneath the surface, which he could only guess was disgust with everything she saw and felt.
It was strange to see her sitting where she couldn't see anything before them, since she was supposed to guide them. With his helmet on his head, he looked to find Lita was alone in front. Kierst made his way towards her with the hopes he wasn't about to do something he'd regret. He stopped to look at the trees almost touching the surface of the ship without any sign of the river. There were no clouds to be seen, which made him happy that they weren't going to be flying into a storm.

Return to Earth
Science FictionThis is a completed novel that has been proofed. Editing will begin in April, 2022. Shortly after the first ships were sent to colonize Mars all communication with Earth was lost. The other ships that were supposed to arrive never did. What had star...