Chapter 3

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  "You know, I can't help but notice you drink a lot. What's even in that bottle, Castor?" Skye quirked up a brow at me with a playful look on her face. I slid the bottle across the table before looking back down at the pages I'd been given to look through.

  Skye and I were tasked with combing through SHIELD transcripts following the planned transfer of Dr. Hall. She had half of the binder while I had the other half, and we sat in the lab for privacy and quiet.

  "This is just water." She stated before screwing the lid back onto the bottle. "How much water do you even drink?"

  "In a day?"


  "A gallon."


  "I do a lot."

  "I didn't think it was enough for that much water." Skye chuckled.

  "Ask Ward, he probably drinks the same amount."

  "Well, he works out twice a day. You're usually in here with Fitz-Simmons." She slid the bottle back across the table, and I caught it.

  "I still work out. Just not twice a day." I said while flipping the page.

  "I'd hope so. If not, I'd think you're, like, a mutant or alien or whatever with how strong you are." Skye laughed.


  "You're not, right?"

  "....Why would you even ask that?" I looked up at her with furrowed brows.

  "Well, I mean, you did break those handcuffs. Not even Ward or May can do that."

  "I'm a Specialist." I then got up and went to a drawer to dig out a zip tie. "Let me show you something." Waving my hand as I walked to her side of the table, she looked momentarily confused but stood up. "You know your own limits, but I'm about to show you something you probably didn't know you could do."

  Closing the zip tie around her wrists, she looked very confused.

  "Raise your hands over your head with your elbows out like this." I did the motion to show her exactly what I meant, and Skye had a skeptical look on her face. "Trust me. If something happens, what I'm about to show you can really help. Without dislocating your wrist."

  "If you say so." Skye raised her hands.

  "Now swing your hands down against your stomach."


  "Just do it, fast. And keep your elbows out." Skye hesitated, but did as told, making the zip tie snap off.

  "Ow!" Her face scrunched up.

  "That was really good for your first time." I chuckled while picking up the broken zip tie. "See, you, who has barely any training, just broke through that. I, on the other hand, have years of training."

  "Huh.... I guess you're right." Skye started to smile while rubbing her wrists. "Can I keep that?" She pointed to the zip tie.

  "As a trophy?" I softly laughed while handing it over.

  "Hell yeah. That was actually cool."

  "Just remember, when you do that, you need the locking mechanism to be in the middle." I pointed before going to sit back down.


  "Gravitonium. It's an extremely rare high-atomic numbered element." Fitz had his hands on his hips.

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