Chapter 24

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  The wind was blowing sand into the air as we walked away from the portal. We couldn't see beyond a few feet in front of us- which would be the perfect chance for me to take them out.

  However, Ward had Leo right next to him because he knew I would try it given the chance. I was fast, but not fast enough to kill the soldiers before Ward pulled the trigger on Leo. I needed to think of something else.

  There was a strange sound carried on the wind, and everyone went on edge.

  "It's nothing!" Ward shouted before pushing Leo. "Come on. Get moving." I was moved to the front to lead the way through the storm, and once it ended, we continued to walk on for hours through the sand and rocks.

  Leo was looking up at the sky, seeing the positions of the two moons and the stars up above. He'd been given a tablet after the storm to use the program he made to navigate this planet, and he turned his gaze to it.

  "Is something wrong?" Ward questioned, but he was ignored as Leo walked to higher ground. "Fitz." He was still ignored. "Go ahead and scout that ridge." Ward then pointed while addressing a few of the soldiers.

  "Yes, sir."

  "We have less than six hours to find the next portal and go home."

  "Why don't you shut the Hell up so I can concentrate?" Leo snapped at Ward. "This program's a work in progress, designed from Simmons's limited data and hypothetical calculations. See?" Leo raised the tablet to show it to Ward. "Our exit location is determined by the position of the-"

  "Just figure it out." Ward rolled his eyes while looking away, and Leo went for his gun. Ward was faster to react, punching Leo and twisting his arm behind his back. My growl shook the air, and Ward touched the barrel of his gun to Leo's temple. "Let me be clear. If I don't make it back, Simmons will be killed- slowly, horribly. It'd all be your fault. Is that what you want?"

  "What do you want? Why are we here? To find some ancient, mythical creature? Wake up, Ward. This is a snark hunt, and the only reason Malick sent you is because you're expendable." Leo had such a bitter tone, and Ward still didn't take his eyes off me.

  His finger was on the trigger, letting me know if I moved, he would shoot.

  "Sir! Over here!" A voice shouted in the distance.

  "Move." He shoved Leo forward. "Move!" We reached the ridge only to see a broken, massive Hydra statue half-buried in the sand.

  "Is that...."

  "Hail Hydra."


  I looked at Leo while raising a brow as we were walking near a familiar ridge. He raised both of his in return, and I jerked up my chin to gesture toward up ahead. His gaze went that way, and I saw a small smirk play onto his lips.

  "Hey, here's a great idea. Why don't we go to an alien world and summon a Hell beast? Yeah, that's a brilliant idea. What could possibly go wrong with that?" Leo said out loud with thick sarcasm. "How are you supposed to find it?" He then turned to look at Ward that was right behind us.

  "Not your concern."

  "You just whisper its name three times into a mirror? Or do you put a saucer of milk outside the door at night?" He popped off, and I snorted.

  "Not milk." Ward replied.

  "Ah, yes, you're right. You did mention it can smell blood." Leo looked at me, and I glanced at the wound on his head I had to cover with wet sand. "That's not disturbing at all. Who wouldn't want to be on that team?"

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