Chapter 5

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[ c h a n s, j e o n g i n s a n d f e l i x a p a r t m e n t ]
[ 3rd M a r c h ]

"Sooo how was it?", Felix excitedly asked and grabbed a knife to prepare the carrots. "It's so nice to know, that you're making new friends hyung, the last time that happened was so long ago."

Chan smiled to himself, checked if the water was already boiling, which it wasn't and turned back to his onions.

They were preparing food for when Jeongin would come home from university. The younger studied fashion and design and always stayed longer at his uni than needed, to design various outfits. Because of that Chan and Felix tried to support him as good as they could, when they weren't busy with their own work.

Today Felix had closed his small flower shop earlier than usually and Chan had a day off. Both of them wanted to use the time to do something together, so they decided to try and cook something for Jeongin.

"Well to be honest, I don't really like the vibes Minho gives off. He's a really cold person, who constantly makes disrespectful jokes about each and everyone around him and I don't like that", Chan replied.

"Oh god Chan hyung, are you serious? You do know, that that's some peoples way of showing their love towards others, right?" "Yes of course, but the way Minho does it, has the potential to be really hurtful and I guess I'm just not used to that. The evening we spent together was fine, so maybe I'm overdramatising a bit." "Yess you probably are, he seemed like a really cool guy, when we were bowling. Give him a chance."

Chan frowned, Felix was again not trusting him.

"I already met up with him, why wouldn't I give him a chance?" "I don't know, you do weird stuff at the moment, sorry not sorry hyung."

He just left this uncommented and focused on cutting his onions.

After a few moments of silence and Chan crying a bit because of his onions, Felix asked: "How are you feeling hyung? Generally asking."

Chan knew exactly what Felix meant. He was referring to the topic they were fighting over a few weeks ago. This time Felix just didn't want to force it.

I'll be honest

He needed to be, he owed that Felix.

"Better, but still a bit confused. Meeting other people helps a bit." "Oooh, we should do more as a group then", Felix said, obviously happy about Chan being honest, to what Chan nodded. "That's a good idea, if someone asks you to do something, just bring me along.'

For some reason he almost immediately thought of Minho while saying that. Weird, he thought.

I'm giving up

What? Where did that come from? Chan was so surprised, he almost dropped the container with the onions, that he just wanted to put into a pan.

"You okay hyung?", Felix asked from the other side of the kitchen. "Yeah, yeah, just got a bit surprised." "Hm? By what? Is there a bug? If there is, kill it and don't let it come close to me." "No, there isn't, just thought something weird, not important." "Okay, I'll trust you then."

He did really want to give up. The problem he had was, he didn't know how.

I don't know

If he really thought about it, he wanted to, but he also didn't. What if they would come back? It sounded very delusional, but he just couldn't let go of that thought. It was possible.

I can't give up on you

No, he really couldn't. He just needed to think back to all the great times they had together, to all her little habits and ticks and he would fall all over for them again.

I'll wait a little longer

He just couldn't give up yet. There still was some hope left in him, that they would come back for him. Maybe she just needed a break from him? So many possibilities and scenarios he hadn't thought about. No, there was no way he was giving up.

I've been doing this for a while

And he would continue on in doing so. He knew, that it wasn't the smartest thing to do, he knew he was suffering, but... What if.

The water had started boiling and Felix had put the noodles in it. Chan had been cutting some other vegetables, while thinking. He now put them into the pan in which the meat was already frying. The only thing they had to do now was wait, move the food around, so it wouldn't get burned and add the tomato sauce later on.

Soon Jeongin also entered the kitchen. "Hey hyungs, what are you making? Ooooh Bolognese, I like that a lot, thank youuu", the younger smiled. "You can put some dishes on the table, we'll be ready any minute."

Jeongin did so and when he was done, the food was also done. They put it on plates and sat down to talk about their days, just feeling comfortable in each other's presence. Soon enough Chan had forgotten about his worries, at least for the moment.

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