Chapter 9

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[ a d v e n t u r e  p a r k ]
[ 20th  M a r c h ]

Hyunjins birthday had arrived and the 8 of them had somehow managed to get the weekend off to spend it together.

Even though Jisung, Minho, Felix and him had to abort their "we organise something for Hyunjin" mission because of Chans break down, Felix and Jisung managed to come up with something.

This something was nothing else than going to an climbing park.

Chan wasn't sure as to why Jisung thought it was a good idea to go, because Jisung was extremely scared of heights. Probably to make Hyunjin happy, but Chan wasn't exactly sure, if Hyunjin would be happy, if he was to take care of a scared Jisung. Because, even though both were absolutely in love with each other, they had this love–hate relationship in which both of them would easily get annoyed by the other. Sometimes just as a joke, sometimes they really did, but neither of them took it too serious. It was something Chan admired. Having a relationship, but not being too serious about it.

"Hey Chan hyung, you wanna come? The others are waiting for us", Felix said and got him back to reality.

Chan had fallen a bit behind his friends, which were excitedly running towards the climbing park and hotel.

It was located in a small forest outside of Seoul. They had driven a far way to get there, but obviously had no regrets about it. The plan was to stay there over night, since the way was a bit too long to drive back at the same evening.

Changbin, Felix, Jeongin and Chan had been in one car and it had been a really loud ride. Most of the time they were just singing along the lyrics of a song that was playing.

"Chan hyung?", Felix asked again, this time a bit louder. "Oh sorry, got lost in my thoughts. I'm coming", Chan replied quickly and started walking towards the park. The others were now out of sight. Felix lightly hit him and shook his head before following him.

The others were waiting in front of the front door of the hotel for them.

"What took you so long? We want to go climbinggg", Hyunjin whined. "We all want to, but we do need to check in first or do you want to carry these bags the whole time?", Changbin said and pointed towards the bags all of them were carrying. Hyunjin rolled his eyes and started walking to the front door. After a few steps he turned around and said: "Will you come now?"

[ 40  m i n u e t s  l a t e r ]

It had taken them some time to check in and get ready, but finally all of them were wearing their equipment and went through the lead-in.

"Let's go on something lower first to get into the right feeling", Chan suggested, knowing that Jisung wouldn't survive if they started on a higher level. Almost everybody agreed. Only Seungmin and Changbin looked a bit disappointed. "You guys are so lame", Seungmin said and Changbin nodded in agreement.

They just ignored them and Hyunjin pointed on his map. "How about this one? It's level 2, that's not too high and not too low." The others gathered up around him to take a look and then all agreed.

So they started walking, Hyunjin leading with Jisung at his side, who refused to let go of Hyunjins arm, even though Hyunjin would not stop complaining about it. "How am I supposed to hold this map?" "I'll just hold it for you, now let me enjoy being with you." "You're always with me, we literally live together." "Yeah and what about it?"

Chan slightly smiled. They were really cute.

He, as usual, walked in the back to keep a good overview of the other boys.

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