Chapter 8

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[ c h a n g b i n s  a p a r t m e n t ]
[ 17th  M a r c h ]

"Which one should I choose? The white, black or purple hoodie?", Changbin asked, the excitement clearly hearable.

Chan and him were in Changbins room accompanied by Changbins roommates Wooyoung and Haknyeon, getting ready for a date.

To be exact, a date with Seungmin.

Seungmin had asked Changbin out a few days earlier and Changbin had been getting on Chans nerves ever since, since the older of them had more dating experience.

"I'd choose the black one. Just a simple black fit, that's the best", Chan replied, just to be pushed aside by Wooyoung in the next second.

"Are you blind hyung? He should definitely wear the white one, only black will ruin the entire look for him. I mean, just look at yourself hyung." "Uh excuse me?" "Guys stop, I'm not choosing any of these. I'll just go with purple." Haknyeon, who had stayed silence until then, nodded enthusiastically. "Good decision, the colour suits you." "At least someone with taste here", Changbin said and smiled at Haknyeon. "EXCUSE ME?", Chan and Wooyoung said almost at the same time, to what both Haknyeon and Changbin started laughing.

Changbin immediately stopped laughing, when he checked his phone.

"HE TEXTED ME THAT HE'S GONNA BE EARLY. OUR TIME JUST GOT SHORTER BY ALMOST HALF AN HOUR. CHAN HYUNG YOU NEED TO GIVE ME THESE TIPS NOW." "God, you need to calm down or else it's gonna be horrible with or without the tips. What do you even want me to tell you? It's not like you have no experience in dating."

Wooyoung and Haknyeon started laughing, while Changbin just looked away blushing.

"I'm really sorry to inform you Chan hyung, but this boy here has never dated another boy in his life." Changbin hit Haknyeon as a response and looked ashamed to the ground. "They never wanted to date me. Besides that, Seungmin is someone really special to me. I don't want to fuck this up. Can we now skip this and get to the important part?"

Chan only shook his head. These boys were something else.

"Okay sure, the most important part is to be yourself. I know that's kinda hard and you won't achieve that to 100% but at least try to not fake it too much. Seungmin knows you a bit and it would be very weird to him, if you put a "mask" on while you two are on a date." Changbin nodded.

Chan wanted to continue, when he was suddenly disrupted by a female voice saying "boo" coming from his phone.

"You use customised ringtones Chan hyung? That's really old fashioned", Haknyeon said. "Fits you though", Wooyoung added and both of them started laughing again.

Chan on the other hand did not feel like laughing. He never used customised ringtones.

Except for one contact.

Yi's contact.

It was their thing to make it special, whenever they got a message of the other. Just record an audio message and make it the others ringtone for their contact to sweeten the others day. A sweet thing as long as they were in a relationship. Now really hurtful. He wasn't even sure, why he hadn't changed it yet.

Changbin and Chan exchanged a look.

Changbin knew.

"You guys need to leave. Now." Changbin was the one to react. "What? We didn't do-" "Don't ask questions, just go already."

With a confused look on their faces both of them got slowly up and moved towards the door.

Wooyoung turned around once again and asked: "Are you sure we can't help? I think you could need us-" "NO."

인정하기 싫어 (I don't want to admit it) | MinchanWhere stories live. Discover now