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[ c a t c a f é ]
[ 20th J u n e ]

Chan and Minho were once again in the cat café. They had been going a lot these past three months and even though Chan would never admit that, he got attached to Soonie, Doongie, Dori and some of the other cats there. The one with a missing ear, which was really clingy to Chan from the first time they went there, for example was called Leo and only 5 months old. Chan loved him.

Long story short, Chan was really thankful for Minho bringing him to that café and he was excited to visit a lot more in the future together with Minho.

...If he wouldn't ruin their friendship today.

Yes you read right. He planned on confessing.

As the three months passed by, Chan got surer and surer about how he felt. It wasn't just the feeling, that he might like Minho anymore. No, Chan was long past that and now, on the 20th June, he felt the need to finally tell Minho. He had it all planned out. Waiting for the right moment, preferable a moment the two of them were holding hands in a comfortable silence, then confessing. He even laid out the words he wanted to say.

Besides the fact that Chan had everything perfectly planned out, he was pretty sure Minho would reject him. The nervousness ate him up, but he just couldn't keep it to himself anymore.

So they sat there in a somewhat uncomfortable silence.

Usually Minho was the one, who did the talking but today was different. Both were tensed and Chan didn't know why.

"Is there anything bothering you? You seem different today", Chan asked.

"Actually", there was another silence and it seemed like Minho was really fighting with himself. So Chan offered the younger his hand. A thing they always did, to make the other feel save.

"I wanted to tell you something. Sorry, that this is taking me so long, but it's hard."

Now it was Chans time to get concerned. The younger never was that serious. It must have been really bad, if the other was acting this way.

"I- Imightlikeyoumorethanjustfriendslikeeachother."


"I'm sorry, I'm not sure if I heard that right", Chan said, his voice a bit shaky.

Minho took a deep breath and continued to repeat himself, this time slower: "I like you. Not like friends do. Romantically."

Once again silence.

Not in Chans head though. His thoughts were running a marathon, trying to progress what Minho just said.

Leo came and sat down on Chans lap, totally unbothered by the tension between the two men.

Chan started petting the small black kitten and slowly looked back to Minho, whose gaze was directed to the floor, his cheeks were flushed red.

"I understand, when you don't feel the same way. Just say something", Minho then said, looking back up and their gazes meeting.

"N- No I wanted to tell you the exact same thing. I- I feel the same way", Chan replied blushing hard.

Another silence.

Why was this so awkward? They felt the same way, shouldn't they celebrate?

"Will you come over and kiss me or what's supposed to happen now?", Minho broke the silence once again and made Chan giggle. "I have a cat on me, I can't just get up a-"

He was interrupted by a pair of lips.

An electric shock went through Chan. He had never felt this energetic and calm at the same time.

He responded the kiss and the tingly feeling got more. It felt like his whole stomach was dancing to a really energetic song.

After a few more seconds they let go of each other. Both smiling widely.

"I- Wow- Lee Minho, will you be my boyfriend?"

Minhos smile widened even more.

"With the biggest pleasure."

인정하기 싫어 (I don't want to admit it) | MinchanWhere stories live. Discover now