Chapter 7

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[ s t r e e t s ]
[ 13th M a r c h ]

The last couple days had been like a blur.

Chan had tried his very best to avoid anybody involved.

He felt like he ruined everything with them. Other people seeing him at his worst was one of his biggest fears and now that they had seen him like that, he couldn't look them into the eyes.

Obviously it wasn't easy. Jisung was his coworker and Felix his roommate. How to avoid those?

His way of avoiding Felix was spending a lot of time with Jeongin, whenever both of them were free. They played a lot of games together or Jeongin showed him his designs and Chan, as the noob he was, asked questions or tried to help him, just to fail completely.

Whenever Chan was around Jeongin, he felt free and was able to forget about his worries. That's why Jeongin was some sort of save space for him. They didn't talk about their problems, when they were around each other and it helped both of them.

Avoiding Jisung was a bit easier. He just stayed a lot in his office and worked on his TWICE project, which was finally going somewhere. He wasn't sure, where the inspiration came from, but as long as it worked, he didn't care.

Even though he avoided both of them at least a bit, the voices kept him up at night.

All night

Yeah, he had been pulling a lot of all-nighters these last couple of days.

I can't stop thinkin' about you

Her smile had merged itself into his memories and whatever he thought about, he would somehow get back to it. He hated it.

Just stay with me

Especially the hopes had kept him up at night. Seeing her did not help with anything.

Avoiding Minho was easier. Minho did try to meet up with Chan, but he always denied the offers or simply ignored the messages. He just didn't want to see the younger, it was worse than with the others. They at least knew, why he reacted the way he did, but Minho didn't and he feared, that the younger would hate him after finding out.

Everything seemed to work out the way Chan wanted, when Minho just showed up at their door out of nowhere, where Chan couldn't avoid him anymore and kind of kidnapped him. To be fair, Chan did have five minuets to get ready, in which he tried to come up with an okay outfit, but he wasn't really happy with the results.

They now were walking down a street towards a to Chan unknown destination. Minho did hold his hand, but they weren't talking. Chan was too scared to say something and he didn't know why Minho wasn't saying anything, but the younger did seem somewhat excited.

Chan anxiously looked down to check his outfit. He really didn't like what he chose. Minho seemed to notice, because he pressed Chans hand and said: "Don't worry, you look really good."

Chan started blushing. Why did he react that way? It was so weird.

He tried to take a glimpse of Minho, to see his reaction to Chan blushing, just to see that the others smile got even wider. What was happening?

인정하기 싫어 (I don't want to admit it) | MinchanWhere stories live. Discover now