The Hardest Part Of Living- Chapter 19

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"All packed and ready?" Frank asked as I dragged the closed suitcase off my bed. Goodbye old bedroom, I'll miss ya. The reason why we was leaving was stupid, Alex was a stalker yes but he just needed help, we didn't have to move away from him.

"Yeah" I whispered handing Frank my suitcase. "A new start eh?" I looked at him and he nodded.

"I know this is hard for you, I know this whole experience is new but, we'll always be here for you. Even when you grow up and move out! We're family" Frank smiled and I hugged him tight. That was right, we were family. Family sticks together through the good and the bad times.

"I have to say, I'll miss this room. It was awesome" I groaned looking around for one last time. "My new room better be just as awesome" I smirked and felt him nod. I let him go and started dragging my suitcase down the stairs. Gerard was standing at the bottom of the stairs holding something in his hand.

"Alex left this for you" He whispered as I reached the bottom step. He extended his arm and dropped a necklace into my hand with a note. "I didn't read it before you ask...I'll take your suitcase to the car" He whispered grabbing it and walking out the front door, leaving me standing at the bottom of the stairs staring at the note. It read:

'So, today's the day you're leaving. Honestly, I don't want you to go but you have to. Family comes first I know. I'm going to miss annoying you even if we haven't been friends for long. I love you Vicky. Always will. I did save up to get a new xbox 360 console but you're more important. Saying this, I brought you that necklace. You're probably wondering how I got that picture of us, well, I'm sneaky. You know that though, don't you? I'm sure I'll see you again, whether it's in a couple of years or tomorrow. I'll miss you kid. Love Alex'

Even though I felt sad, I smiled. I'll miss him even if he did scare me. The necklace was a nice, cute gesture. I stared at it and saw that you could open the heart up. I pulled it open and gasped when I saw a picture of me and him hugging. He's right, he is sneaky. Little git. 

"Want me to put it on for you?" Frank whispered and I turned to him, passing him the necklace carefully and nodding. I turned my back to him and lifted my hair up as he began putting the necklace round my neck. "He's a good kid really, he just needs some help. I know this is hard for you and you'll miss him but I promise you that when he's better, you'll see him again. Hell, maybe he could come and sleep round" I knew Frank was smiling, probably trying to comfort me but I just wanted to get in the car, shove some headphones on and blank the world out. 

"My mum would be proud of me" The words escaped out of my mouth. "She knows that I'm moving on, she knows I'm finally accepting life as it is. Ish. She knows that you are my new family now. I trust you guys. I know you'll look after me and so does she" I smiled a little and Frank finished putting the necklace on me. He stepped forward smiling and holding out his hand. 

"Well, you're both right. We will protect you" I took his hand and began walking out with him. I glanced up at the sky and mimed a 'I love you' knowing my mother was watching over me smiling. I had to move on now though. I had to not grieve or feel bad about myself. 

My family was dead, harsh but true. I knew that there was nothing I could do to bring them back and I was destroying myself because of that. I needed them back here, I needed to feel happy again. It's funny how these two men came into my life and helped me even when I refused to accept their help. They was different because they was gay, society didn't like the fact that they liked each other but they wouldn't break, they both stood tall and proud. They wasn't scared to show the world they loved each other. 

I was different because my biological parents were dead, I was broken. These men came into my life and they started prodding at my wounds, identifying them and then in the end fixing them. I'm not saying I'm completely fixed. I'll get there in the end though. They'll make sure of that.

Now I can admit something, something I haven't said in a long time without truly meaning it. I'm happy. I'm happy being with these two men who are now my dad's. They understand me and they will always be there for me. I couldn't ask for better parents. 

Even though we had to leave, had to move. I was okay with that because I was going with them. They wasn't leaving me behind and forgetting about me. They wouldn't do that. They knew how messed up I was and they actually wanted to help fix me. I owed them so much, I was going to be the best daughter they could ever possibly want.

I knew that no matter what problems were in the future just waiting for me to get close so they could hit, Frank and Gerard would help me with them and they wouldn't stop helping until they was fixed. I've said goodbye to my new life so now, I can finally say hello to this new one. It's just me, Gerard and Frank. 

A/N: Sorry for the delay. I honestly didn't know how to end it so...Well, You have this ending. I'm not exactly happy with it but..BLEH. I can't think D; Sorry if you don't like it but if you do like it then YAY! *wipes forehead* Phew. heh

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