The Hardest Part Of Living- Chapter 13

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I felt someone shake my arm gently, trying to wake me. I opened my eyes and saw Frank sitting next to me, waiting.

"I'm awake, shoo" I whispered and he rolled his eyes. He knew I wasn't a morning person so why couldn't he just leave me?

"Get up, school" He pecked my forehead and walked out of my room, leaving me alone to think. I wonder how Alex was? I wonder if I'd see him? I didn't know where he hung around so he would have to find me. I got up and did the usual routine for school, groan and get ready. Getting ready involved a shower, my uniform and clean teeth.

I jogged downstairs with my bag to the kitchen. Frank and Gerard was there, like normal. They were both smiling at me.

"What do you want for breakfast" Gerard asked and I shook my head.

"Nothing, I'm going to be late" I flashed a cheeky grin and hugged them quickly, pulling a face. I ran to the door then slowly walked towards school. I wasn't late, I just didn't want to stay with them. How weird, I'd rather be at school then be at home with them two.

In all honestly, I really wanted to see Alex. He was the only one I knew and I was curious about him.

What if I was developing a crush? We all know how that ends, heartbreak and depression. Why would I let myself go through that whilst I'm already suffering because of what happened to me in my past.

I would let myself be happy one day, just in a couple of years. I'd let myself love and let myself live life to the fullest, just not now.

I arrived at the school gates and my eyes scanned the area. No sign of Alex, a lot of people were looking at me, that was because of what I did to the popular girl or it was because they haven't seen me yet. I sighed and began walking into the school building, I might as well just get to lesson since I had nothing else to do.

It didn't matter if I got lost, I had some time to spare. I could run around school If I really wanted, but then i'd just seem crazy.

Hands grabbed my arms and I was instantly yanked to the side. I frowned and stared at the girl who was holding me, two girls actually. I was in an empty classroom, well with three girls who were all focused on me. The third girl was the popular cow I pushed yesterday and boy did she look pissed.

"Hello Vicky" She frowned and I struggled against the girls grips but it was no use. "I think you owe me an apology, oh and it better be a good one" She smirked and I spat on her.

"I don't owe you shit" I frowned and the grip on my arms tightened. 

"You stupid whore" She frowned and raised her hand, slapping me. I gasped a little at the sting on my cheek then turned to glare at her. "Say. Sorry"

"Sorry you're a slag" I smirked and she curled her fingers up, making a fist. She pulled her arm back and swung for my stomach making me jerk forward.

"You're pathetic, you know"

"Says the one who needs followers to help you" I choked out and she went to kick me, that was before we all heard tutting coming towards the door. 

"Look what we have here" Footsteps came towards us, I instantly recognised the voice. Alex. I looked up a little, he was smiling whilst standing next to the slag. "What ARE you doing now, Jade?" He asked tilting my chin up but directing the question to the girl who hit me.

"Having fun, waiting for an apology. Move along Alex" She sighed and pushed him yet he didn't budge.

"I don't appreciate you doing this, Jade. I think you should leave her alone before karma comes and slaps you round the face. Well, karma meaning Vicky" He chuckled and glared at the girls holding my arms. They quickly let go and kept there eyes on the floor. I fell, about to hit the floor but Alex caught me. 

"Why the hell are you helping that geek?" She growled and Alex winked at me secretly. 

"I like her, she's my new bud" He nudged me and I smirked a little. What a dork. "I think you should leave before I kick your ass out"

"You won't hurt me, you're a boy" Jade laughed, nervously though. Alex stood up straight, mocking her. "I-I uh, come on girls" She frowned and straightened up, storming out of the class.

"I didn't need your help" I muttered as soon as the last bimbo walked out of the door. He smiled and sat me down on a table, examining me. "I'm fine"

"You got beat up, they probably would've cut you if I hadn't of come" He sighed bringing his face closer to mine. I gulped quietly as he stared at my cheek. "That's going to turn a nasty red colour you know, maybe put some of that powder shit on it?"

"You mean stuff like foundation?" He nodded, "I don't have make up on me"

"I didn't think so" He smirked and I went to stand but he grabbed my waist. "No, you stay sitting. They hit you in the belly and I don't want you to walk and throw up, or fall over in that case. The teachers will think you're drunk" He chuckled and I rolled my eyes getting comfy on the table. He walked to the door and shut it, locking it from the inside by barricading the door up. 

"We're going to get into trouble" I whispered and he looked at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Since when did you care about trouble?" He asked, that was a reasonable question.

"Since I found out you're worse than me" I smiled and he walked over slowly. "Would you really have hit her?"

"I uh" He stopped in front of me and shrugged. "I've hit a girl before, I was drunk and I came to school when I was a mess. Weird, it was actually Jade I hit. It's a shame it didn't knock any sense into her" He smiled but I stared at him. "Like I said, I was drunk then. I'm sober now" He sighed and took my hands in his. 

"Why was you drunk, why was you a mess?"

"So many questions" He shook his head. "I want something in return" He smirked and I listened carefully. "Hmm, how about a kiss?" I stared at him, why did he want a kiss!? I was hoping for the best that he didn't have a crush on me, I didn't need him around me in a romantic way. I just needed a friend.

"Fine" I sighed, it was one kiss. One. Little. Kiss.

"I was a mess because my dad died. He was my role model and he just left me. Wasn't his fault to be fair but, I was upset. Anyone would be" He chuckled sadly, "I got into drugs because it numbed the pain, so did alcohol. I did have it under control, but then of course it just went wild. I moved onto stronger drugs and then I got addicted to it.  My mum was trying to cope, trying to help me cope but she was hardly strong enough to look after herself let alone me. She's alive, but barely" He ended in a whisper and I felt speechless. 

"I guess you lost your parents?" He added and I nodded, "I know what it feels like, honestly, it feels like my mum left me as soon as my dad died. She just isn't the same anymore. She's just empty" He teared up but quickly shook them away smiling again. "I do believe you owe me a kiss" He pouted his lips and I smiled a little. 

"As you wish" I leaned close and pecked him on the lips, "Done!"

"That was so not a kiss...But it's probably as close as I'll ever get to one, at the moment" He winked and I rolled my eyes. The bell rang in my ears and he sighed. "Let's go then, Vicky" He held out his hand and I took it. He guided me out gently, helping me stand upright so I didn't seem drunk.

Alex was a nice kid, he had a sad story and so did I. I felt sorry for him, he felt sorry for me. We was probably destined to be together. How fun.

A/N: Hey, I thought I'd just let you know a little bit about Alex. Poor Kiddo. Heh! 

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