The Hardest Part Of Living- Chapter 14

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"Fun eh?" Alex chuckled sitting down next to me just as we reached the field. Thankfully it was lunch, finally. The hours seemed to go by like years. Science with Mr Andrew was as boring as watching paint dry. He was going through a test, but we had to do it first. Did I mention that I had double science? I literally thought I was going to die in there.

After science I had maths, which I hated with a passion. Miss Jenkins was in a foul mood and it reflected onto us. If someone coughed she'd send them out, if someone whispered she'd scream at them. It was a fun couple of hours.

French was...French. I never wanted to learn it yet got stuck with it. I hated it as much as I hated science and exams.

"It's so boring" I moaned laying back on the ground, pouting like a child. "I can't do this" I sniffed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Now you know how I feel" He smiled and laid next to me. "Mind you, I bunk off lessons" He laughed and I shook my head.

"Gerard and Frank would kill me if I did that. Knowing them they'd send me to a private school and make sure someone was watching me to make sure I was going to lessons. I couldn't do that, I'd end up stabbing everyone"

"Such a vivid imagination" He smirked and I rolled my eyes. I could hear music a little way from us. "Watch this" He jumped up and walked forwards slowly, I sat up a little and watched him dance.

'I went to a wishing well, but sank to the ocean floor

Cut up by sharpened rocks, and washed up along the shore

I reached for a shooting star, it burned a hole through my hand

Made it's way through my heart, had fun in the promise land'

He was doing a hula dance to it. Then when the lyrics about the shore came up, he started pretending to drown. I laughed, a lot. He looked like an idiot yet he didn't care. He bowed and sat next to me laughing loudly.

"If you're trying to pick up a girl, never, ever dance to her like that" I managed to blurt the words out through the tears. "Oh my, I wish I recorded that"

"No need, I'm right here, I could do it all day" He chuckled, panting a little. I smirked and hit him playfully. "Heh, what?" He made an innocent face.

"You're funny"

"Well good, I didn't do that just to get evil stares. At least I made you smile" He was so sweet, so nice to me and he was the right guy for me. Why couldn't I just let him into my life in a love sense?

"And was that your aim?" I raised an eyebrow, he smiled slowly and nodded. "Why ever so?"

"Wait, let me have a minute to prepare my soppy speech to which you'll fall in love with me over" He smirked and cleared his throat, "Your smile lights up the room"

"We're outside" I interrupted and he placed a single finger on his lips to hush me.

"When you smile, I feel something weird inside, butterflies! It's like you're the light to a dark tunnel, leading me the right way and making me hopeful and happy. You make me happy, therefore I will make you happy" He smiled, "So, how was it?"

"Oh, I'm definitely in love with you" I giggled and hugged him tight. "Where did you get that from, a book? Movie?"

"Actually, from my heart" he grinned, "I'll stop being soppy now" he laughed hugging me back.

"We should get back to class" I pouted.

"Or should we just bunk?"

"I like the second idea more" I smirked and he grabbed my hand, running. "Where are we even going?"

"Park!" He smirked and opened the fence, leading me through then holding my hand and walking. I could see the park in front of us, it was quite small. Two swings, one kiddy slide and a little see-saw.

I could hear a car horn beep loudly in my ear, I turned to look and squinted my eyes to see into the front glass window. Gerard sat there, frowning at me. Was he spying on me?

"Oh shit" Alex muttered letting go of my hand. "We're in trouble now..." He was right, Gerard was going to flip for me bunking. Why was he even here at this time? He didn't pick me up, he made me walk and now his waiting here like some pedophile. He had questions, I had questions. I just bet mine were more painful to listen to.

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