The Hardest Part Of Living- Chapter 7

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After putting away my items of clothing which my dad's would find awkward to put away, I put on a Paramore CD, Riot. I didn't listen to a lot of music, but just by listening to a few songs on this album, I've decided they have good taste in music.

The smell of meat travelled into my room, mixing with the smell of paint. I pulled a face and lowered the volume on the stereo to hear my name being called by two dorks. I smiled a little and made my way towards the food. All I had to do was follow the smell, well actually, it smelt burnt.

I didn't know what to expect, apart from burnt meat on a plate and a guilty looking Frank. I say it's Frank because he seems like the guy who would ruin the dinner, not on purpose.

I peeked my head round the corner to see them both hugging each other.

"Silly Frankie" Gerard chuckled deeply and placed his lips on Frank's forehead making him giggle childishly.

"Get a room" I sighed sitting down staring at the black contents on the plate. "What's this even supposed to be?"

"Um, cajun" Frank giggled.

"He burns everything and calls it Cajun" Gerard sighed, "Would you like a chainsaw to cut through that?"

"Yes please" I stared at the food wide eyed, it wasn't even food anymore.

"I'll get the take away menu" Gerard chuckled and walked to the draw whilst Frank sat down looking innocent. "Remind me to never let Frank cook again!"

"Sorry" He bit his bottom lip and Gerard walked over pecking his head. "At least we get a take away" He giggled as Gerard handed me the takeaway menu.

Most of the food was either in a different language or really expensive. I liked to go for simple things, I didn't like to try new things. If I liked something I'd just have it on repeat. I gave them back the menu and smiled.

"Cheesy chips" Gerard raised an eyebrow as I shrugged. "It's the only thing I like on that menu"

"Cheesy chips...Haha" Frank chuckled to himself, "I'll have THAT" He pointed to something on the menu, showing Gerard and not me. "It's vegetarian" He grinned and I rolled my eyes.

"You're a vegetarian and you're gay? What next"

"I'm not wearing any underwear" Frank winked at Gerard, hang on, where the hell did that sentance come from? He was so random, so childish...It was beginning to confuse me! Before Gerard could answer, I pulled a disgusted face.

"Go put some on then!" I chucked a spoon at him and Frank ran upstairs giggling loudly. I looked at Gerard who was bright red.

"I...Call this number and get what you want. Me and Frank will eat later"

"Wait...What?" Before he could answer, He was upstairs and there was a slam of a door. GROSS. "YOU CANT JUST BUM EACH OTHER WHILST IM SITTING HERE HUNGRY!" I shouted and heard a mumbled moan come from upstairs. "Oh my God" I ran to the radio and put the volume on full.

I raided the cupboards for food, well, snacks. How could they just go upstairs and do that when I'm here? It's gross! Even if they wasn't gay, it would still be gross! Sex with a child in the house...EW!

This was probably payback for me being a bitch in the beginning. Well, it was going to get a lot worst now. I'd befriend them and then destroy them. I just hope they don't go and have sex every night. I don't think I'd be able to cope mentally.

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