four - enderwalk

451 19 14

ranboo(b) pov.

we exited snowchester and michael started talking about his imaginary friend. he pronounced his friend's name as "shat" i don't know why. maybe its the influence of tommy or he just has a bad pronunciation. we entered the dream smp and we collected flowers for a while.

as michael and i walked through the prime path to find other flower breeds i felt a sharp pain in my head. i feel my eyesight getting blurrier and blurrier and we walk. i think this has happened before.


"michael how about you go and play in the forest? i need to work on something!"

he nodded and ran off. i don't want him to get hurt by whatever is happening to me.



third person pov.

the man in the mask stared at the hybrid's body lying on top of the prison. no he wasn't dead but passed out. he jumped down into water and ran. he escaped and it was ranboo's fault, or not. unexpectedly, the man bumped into someone.

"sorry miwter!"

that someone was a child, the child wore a striped brown and yellow sweater and bee designed overalls. the blonde was stressed and was about to attack the child until a force pushed him down. "hey aren't you the dweam guy tommy talks about?" the child questioned. "listen here, kid, if you tell someone you saw me, I will fucking kill you." 'dream' growled. trembling, the child nodded and ran off. as soon the child left, dream did too. he started questioning his encounter with the piglin. who was he? why was his clothes familiar? what was that force that pushed him?

the man stole items from people's bases and heard running. he hid in a small hole and listened to the conversation of the five men.

"i have no fucking idea! sam said he heard an explosion and dream wasnt in his cell!" the short one with a scar on his mouth cursed in anger.

"but how did he escape..? did someone-" the ram boy was cut off, "shut up tubbo! of course someone helped him! but it's not like we know who did it anyway!" the boy in a green bandana yelled.

"we still need to find him, so stop agruing about shit and go search!" one of dream's 'friends', sapnap ordered them. all of them split up and all dream could do was dig down.

michael ran to tubbo crying. "bo- i- there" he kept on stuttering and sniffling through words. "it's okay michael! just take a few deep breaths and tell me what happened." tubbo smiled. "i- i saw dream. he- thre-threatened to kill me if i told you but-" michael started to sob. tubbo picked up michael and brought him home to calm him down.

meanwhile, ranboo awoke. he was ontop of the prison, holding a flint and steel. there was a giant hole on the roof. he couldn't remember what happened but, all he knows is that dream escaped. he had a few scars on his face due to handling the tnt used to explode a hole in the cell badly. he immediately went back to tubbo's snowchester house and saw michael and tubbo sleeping on the floor. drawings and toys scattered everywhere, ranboo sighed. he cleaned the floor and put a blanket over the two. he sat on the leather couch and closed his eyes. well actually he can't since he has no eyelids.. but anyway- he fell asleep after a few minutes. it wasn't a pleasant sleep.

all they knew was that, dream was out there.

all they knew was that, dream was out there

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