six - revival

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schlatt pov.

"alright so we can do this sort of underground bunker thing with a redstone door? and-" ranboo's sentence is finished by toby, "and we can put the nukes there! with a secret key thingy like in the prison."

"yeah.. okay so we need to gather..."

boring. all they talk about is war crimes and architecture.

as i watch over toby and michael, and the enderman guy too, an extremely scared tommy runs up to the three. "heyy tomm-"

i open my eyes, slowly adjusting to the bright scenery. i seem to be in a place in ruins. i feel a lot more heavier and weaker. i look at my hands. they were saturated and normal, it wasn't all grey and..

i looked around the unfamiliar place. a tombstone with my name on it is cracked and covered in vines and dirt. i headed off and went to l'manburg, well, what was left of it. a familiar 'friend' in the brown trenchcoat stands infront of me. he seemed to be, talking to himself in a rather happy tone. "wilbur." i called, keeping my voice low. the brunette turned around and looked at me, smiling. "oh jonathan schlatt! my friend!" he said joyfully. "we're alive again! isn't that amazing? now we are no longer stuck in hell! great right?" tch, he seemed different.. as a ghost (not ghostbur) he was more laid back and calm now he seems insane. maybe he remembered all the bad things. i can't remember much. my head feels fuzzy.

"how are we even uh, you know, LIVING?" i asked, a hint of confusion in my voice. he snickered, "oh! it was dream. he is our saviour! i swear i can't handle another minute in that fucking void!" "how did he.. how did he fucking do that?!" i yelled, more concerned than angry. "that's for him to know and for us to wonder." a familiar trio walks into the ruins of the country. "oh hey wilbur! wait.. WHAT THE FUCK?!" the boy in a red baseball tee shouted, terrified. "hey tommy! been a while has it?" he laughed. "you know, just 13 years. ba-dum-tss!" i rolled my eyes, even though he's still mentally unstable he's still has a horrible sense of humor. he just doesn't get what a joke is. two other boys follow behind him, shocked at the sight of wilbur. i'm just trying to stay out of sight, i remember not being a very good guy to them.

"so, i did this huh?" he asks. "uh- y-yeah." the boy in green stuttered, avoiding him. he looks familiar. i know something about him.. bees? yeah bees. i remember a boy who looked like him but younger, he liked bees. his name was something like tobias? tony? turbo? i don't know but those two boys are the same person. a loud clank followed by awkward muttering is ahead of me. wilbur left with the three kids. one of them which looks like an enderman seems to be writing on a book. i see a fourth child that looks much younger than the other three. that's.. michael! i remember michael. i would talk to him but he definetly wouldn't recognize me, because of his reaction to the t-turbo?'s photo album which had pictures of me, and some 5 year old looking kid, he didn't recognize me.

i walk off into the prime path, the server looks so.. different. red vines are everywhere and many structures are in ruins. as i inspect the weird looking vines, i bump into a familiar masked man, dream. he was already out of the prison, why did he revive me and wilbur? "schlatt!" he exclaimed, his cocky smile mask glows in the bright sun. "what do you want? you're out of the prison.." what else would he need me for? dream was wearing  iron armor with leather boots, and held a stone axe in his hand. "look, i need you to get my stuff from, tubbo's-" "tubbo?" who the fuck is tubbo?! "he's the boy in the green shirt with broken buttons." oh so his name is tubbo.. "as i was saying, from tubbo's vault, in snowchester. all my netherite armor, tools, most of them, are in there. and if you can, get the nukes he keeps for me."

"sheesh you revived me to get your shit? no thanks." i scoffed. he would have just revived wilbur. "schlatt, wilbur doesn't know what snowchester is. nor' does he know where the vault is. you watched over them all the time didn't ya? you know where it is." he defended. "and if i don't?" the man snickered. "i'll have to kill tubbo and michael! oh tubbo! don't you care about him so so so so much? and his son! michael! don't wanna do it? that's fine! i'll just-"

i can't believe i'm agreeing to this. i can't risk it though. his threats are real and will happen. can't risk michael and tubb-oh's lives. i just have to do whatever he wants. bastard. "wonderful! now you can help me get my power back in this server! we will be so so powerful that we can force sam to imprison tommy! tommy, the one who started the drama in this server! it's his fault i was in jail! in the jail i was supposed to imprison others!" he pranced around, putting a green cloak on.

"now you should get to work, schlatt."


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