Chapter 28

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"This is rude!" You whisper to Shawn, who is holding you by the waist and head peeking from your shoulder. You were hiding behind a tree, spying on your two best friends conversation. "And get off me!" You whisper yell.

"Shush. You are no fun. Shut up and watch them make out in a second." He speaks, with a playful smirk.

"Eww! gross! They are my friends!"

"What's gross? they are not your parents. Just cause you guys are friends is it forbidden to date?" He asks, making you get lost in the thoughts. Of course you never in a trillion years thought that Aarushi will have feelings for Jimin. Now when you think about it, they can actually be adorable together.

"No but-"

"Shut up or will end up making out with you."

"Guys. Come out! If you two don't go we won't talk and Shawn we are definitely not going to make out." Jimin yells from the bench he is seated on. He didn't even have to look behind to see you two hiding. You and Shawn weren't successful to keep your voice low after all.

You send a glare at Shawn and he darts his eyes around. "Fine. Okay, we will leave." Shawn replies.

"Sorry Chim!" You apologise, embarrassed. You and Shawn awkwardly take the leave.

"Okay now talk." Jimin shifts after your leave to Aarushi.

"Talk about what?" She snaps. "You heard everything, and just to let you know, I am not sorry and you don't have to feel anything for me...Like you said, you will always choose Urvi over me. So focus on her."

"Well someone's jealous." He couldn't help but sound rude and somewhat annoyed.

Aaru couldn't help but gasp in anger. "Yes! Yes I am jealous. now what?" her breathing quickens as she fumes.

"Now tell me everything why and when you were jealous."

Aaru's expression filled with confusion. She confusingly tries to skip the talk. "I don't want to talk I said."

Jimin shifts his position closer and takes her cheeks in between his hands. "no. I said tell me since when you were jealous," He pulls her face closer. "And why were you jealous." Their heartbeat was in rhythm with one another, trying push of the feelings.

"Chim-"She stutters. "What y-you..."

He pulls away. "Tell me. please don't make this harder." He softly speaks. "Please be honest."

"Do you want me to be honest?" He nods. "Then tell me, am really your best friend. Why do I have to beg to know something about you? Why you never come to me when you are hurt?"

"I do."

"No you don't."

"I do. You just never realised." He looks into her eyes. "I always come to you whenever I am having a rough day, of course, I go to Urvi because she talks to me, understands me. But, you... you never question what's wrong with me, you just try to make me feel better. That's why whenever I don't want to talk about my problems I just go to you. Cause you make me happy without asking what's wrong. You just never realised, because I am always myself whenever I am with you!" He takes a deep breath. "You just make little things so big, that I often forget about my own worries." He firmly pulls her closer. "And Aaru. I would never choose between you and Urvi. Both of you mean a lot to me. I just said that to shut you up."

Aaru says nothing but immediately jumps onto him, to hug him tightly. "I am sorry Chim. I didn't know this." She sobs.

"I am so stupid and I-" She sobs again. Jimin observes her with something burning in his heart. He cups her cheeks once again.

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