Team Righteous : arms & bloodshed

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Innovations are a boon for human life but these innovations can also destroy human life if they are misused by human beings.
Dr. Peter Grayson invented a humanoid robot after a huge hard work of 26 years. he demonstrated his humanoid robot to his friend, Dr. Sukhmit Kelkar. Dr. Peter had named his humanoid robot as 'Help Machine '. he told Dr. Sukhmit that he has invented 'Help Machine' with an aim to do something for the citizens. Dr. Peter also gave a live demonstration of Help Machine to his best friend, Udhay Rathore. Udhay was surprised, Help Machine appeared like a human being, it was skilled in material arts,  communication techniques & it was knowledgeable of construction & interior designing. Udhay was surprised. he was a rich builder, he suggested Dr. Peter to bring Help Machine at his construction sight. Dr. Peter was satisfied with him because he had invented, Help Machine so that his humanoid robot can help others & make their lives easy, he told Udhay that he will be grateful if his humanoid makes his work easy.
When Dr. Peter & Help Machine reached at Udhay's construction sight, Udhay gave a task to Help Machine & told him to paint a sample flat of his recently constructed building. Help Machine painted the flat as Udhay was expecting. Udhay & Dr. Peter were surprised. Udhay immediately decided to purchase Help Machine from Dr. Peter. Dr. Peter told Udhay that Help Machine is special for him & he would not be able to sell his innovation to him but he ensured him that he will definitely invent a similar humanoid robot for him. Udhay informed Dr. Peter that he cannot wait till years to appoint a humanoid robot at his construction sight. Dr. Peter promised him that he will try to invent a similar humanoid robot in one year.
few days passed, Dr. Peter made certain changes in Help Machine & made his humanoid able to innovate according to his instructions. Dr. Peter decided to create another humanoid robot with the help of Help Machine. Dr. Peter invented another humanoid robot within 26 days, with the help of Help Machine. he named his new humanoid robot as Mechanical Helper. Mechanical Helper was a humanoid robot, which was invented with the help of a Humanoid Robot - Help Machine. Mechanical Helper & Help Machine appeared like two different human beings but their abilities with similar. Udhay was surprised when he came to know that Mechanical Helper was invented in just 26 days. Dr. Peter demonstrated Mechanical Helper at Udhay's construction sight. Udhay was impressed, he immediately pays a huge amount to Dr. Peter & he purchased Mechanical Helper. Mechanical Helper was set to follow the instructions of Udhay & Dr. Peter.
Some days passed, Dhiren Kelkar was returning from his college on his bicycle. suddenly someone hits a stone on his head, Dhiren lost his balance. he fell near the footpath, some people gathered there. a 6 feet tall masked man came in front of Dhiren, he punches on his face. Dhiren died at the spot. people caught the masked man, he merely injured some innocent people & escaped from there. soon ACP Pratap, Senior Inspector Kajal & Inspector Hrehaan reached at the spot. ACP Pratap ordered Senior Inspector Kajal to interrogate every person, who was present at the crime spot & he ordered Inspector Hrehaan to check Dhiren's pockets & bag. Inspector Hrehaan checked Dhiren's pockets, he found a wallet & a mobile phone. the mobile phone was password protected, he handover it to ACP Pratap. then he checked Dhiren's bag, he found his college identity card. he found Dhiren's mobile number & his address on the identity card. a ambulance reached at the spot & Dhiren's body was sent to the forensic lab.
On the other hand, Dr. Sukhmit & Akshita were watching television at their bungalow. suddenly Inspector Hrehaan & Inspector Nalini reached their. Inspector Nalini showed Dhiren's identity card to Dr. Sukhmit & he asks him about Dhiren. Dr. Sukhmit told her that Dhiren is his son. Inspector Hrehaan informed him about the incident. Dr. Sukhmit & Akshita were shocked.
When CID Officers were trying to solve the murder mystery of Dhiren Kelkar, Zafar was planning to attack the Sakha Nagar. he was with Barbosa, Hamid & Shahid, they planning to attack the J. V Museum & Morning Star Hotel. J. V Museum & Morning Star Hotel were located at street 57. these two spots use to be populated during the evening time. Zafar was planning to kill a large number of innocent people. he prepared two teams of terrorists, one was lead by Barbosa & other was lead by Hamid & Shahid. Barbosa & his team was going to attack the J. V Museum & Shahid,Hamid & their team was going to attack the Morning Star Hotel. Shahid advised Zafar that he should be the part of Barbosa's group so that he could also experience the destruction of Sakha Nagar. Zafar was satisfied with him. Shahid analyses Zafar's plan & thought that J. V Museum was not as populated as Hariyali Restaurant. as per Shahid's research, Hariyali Restaurant was a popular restaurant of Sakha Nagar & the restaurant use to be crowded specially in the morning & evening. Hamid felt that Shahid was right, he advised Zafar to target Hariyali Restaurant & turn that restaurant into ashes. he told Zafar that this attack will prove that he is the most powerful man in the Sakha Nagar
On the other hand, Mr. Righteous, Shakti & Gorilla reached at Dhiren Kelkar's house. they interrogated Akshita Kelkar & Dr. Sukhmit Kelkar. they came to know that Dhiren use to study at TCT college. Pavan immediately calls DCP Veer & he told him that he wants to interrogate all the staff members of TCT College. DCP Veer felt that TCT college was  not at all connected with Dhiren's murder. Pavan told him that he wants to interrogate each & every staff member of TCT College because Dhiren use to study their & he felt that Dhiren's friends & teachers could help him in solving the murderer mystery.
Next Morning, Mr. Brawny, Sprita & Gorilla interrogated all the friends & family members of Dr. Sukhmit Kelkar & Akshita Kelkar. Mr. Righteous, Kapi, Master Might & Miss Valorous visited the TCT College. they interrogated all the teaching & non - teaching staff members of the college. Kapi interrogated the security guards. Mr. Righteous met the principal. the principal gave Dhiren's records to him, he told him that Dhiren Kelkar was a blacklisted student. he & his friends use to bully their juniors & newcomers. Dhiren was suspended twice for bullying a newcomer. Pavan felt that TCT College is somewhere connected to Dhiren's death. Shakti asks the principal about some recent change in Dhiren's life & behavior. the principal informed her that Dhiren was a brilliant student, he was the only such student, who was amongst the class toppers & also amongst the blacklisted students. Pavan interrogated Dhiren's friends & he came to know that Dhiren had bullied Raju Rathore few weeks ago. Raju was the one, who was forced by Dhiren to complete all his assignments & projects. after the day when Raju was bullied by Dhiren, Raju started living alone & shortly after few days, they came to know that Raju has suicide by hanging himself, Dhiren's friends were sure that Raju has suicide because of Dhiren's torture but they always stayed away from the matter. Pavan met the Principal of TCT College, he gathered some information about Dhiren & Raju. the principal told him that Raju's suicide is a confusion because their was no suicide note found at the spot so Police officers never blamed Dhiren. after Raju's death, Dhiren use to force another student to complete his assignments & he was also punished for doing so. he also told Mr. Righteous that Raju was bullied by his seniors many times & specifically by Dhiren. Dhiren & Raju use to study in the same class but they were like enemies. Dhiren use to bully Raju almost everyday & he was punished many times but Dhiren never stopped troubling students. the principal thought that he don't know whether Raju's suicide is connected to Dhiren's murder or not. Raju Rathore was the son of rich builder Udhay Rathore. Pavan decided to meet Udhay Rathore.
On the other hand, Udhay Rathore & Dr. Peter Grayson were at Udhay's bungalow. Help Machine & Mechanical Helper were cooking in the kitchen.
suddenly Mr. Righteous, Gorilla, Shakti, Kapi, Master Might, Miss Valorous, Sprita & Mr. Brawny reached at the spot. unexpectedly Miss Righteous also reached there, she secretly informed Pavan that she had not bunked her college lectures for investigating at Udhay's bungalow. after attending all the college lectures when she reached home, he was not there & he did not answered her calls so she spoke to Professor Amit & she came to know that Team Righteous is currently investigating at Udhay's bungalow so she reached here to help him. Miss Righteous joints others in the investigation. Mr. Righteous interrogated Udhay Rathore & Dr. Peter Grayson. Kapi was shocked when he saw Help Machine & Mechanical Helper in the kitchen. Udhay told him that they are his servants. Kapi felt that their is something wrong with those servants because there were no expressions on their faces,  just like Guruji. he ordered Master Might to scan the body of the servants. Master Might scanned Help Machine & Mechanical Helper, he told Kapi that they are humanoid robots. Udhay & Dr. Peter were shocked. Mr. Righteous asks Udhay that did he knew that his servants are humanoid robots. Udhay was trapped, he lies to him that he didn't knew that his servants are humanoid robots. Mr. Righteous felt that Udhay was hiding something from them. he ordered Kapi & Gorilla to interrogate him. suddenly Udhay ordered Help Machine & Mechanical Helper to kill all the members of Team Righteous. Help Machine punches Pavan's face. he faints. Mr. Brawny got angry on Help Machine. he attacked Help Machine & slammed him. he broke his right arm. Master Might punches Mechanical Helper's head. great conflict took place between them. Master Might punches Mechanical Helper's forehead twice, dangerous short circuit took place in Mechanical Helper's CPU, he stopped working & fell down. Mr. Brawny caught Help Machine & he stabbed his face with the wall. suddenly Master Might punches Help Machine's forehead. Help Machine gave a powerful electric shock to Master Might & Mr. Brawny. Mr. Righteous & Kapi attacked Help Machine. Help Machine slammed Kapi, he caught Miss Righteous & he gave a powerful electric shock to her. then he punches on Gorilla's face twice. Shakti shots a explosive marble on Help Machine's shoulder. suddenly Miss Righteous & Miss Valorous caught him, Help Machine injured them seriously. then he gave a powerful shock to Shakti & Spirita. Dr. Peter ordered Help Machine to work quick & kill all of them. Master Might stood up, Dr. Peter attacked his head with his hammer. Help Machine punches on his head twice. Master Might got seriously damaged, he fell down & he was completely motionless. Mr. Righteous was shocked. unexpectedly Winner entered in the bungalow. Help Machine gave a powerful electric shock to Gorilla. Hriday got seriously injured. suddenly Winner attacked Help Machine. great conflict took place between them. Hriday was shocked. Winner starred at Help Machine. Winner, with the help of his telekinetic powers, raised Help Machine in the air without touching it. Dr. Peter was shocked. Winner starred in the eyes of Help Machine. a dangerous shortcut took place in the CPU of Help Machine. Winner looked at Dr. Peter, he said " Hello Dr. Peter! strange, your robot is 100 % charged still he looks extremely week, i don't know how this nonliving man defeated all the members of Team Righteous " suddenly Help Machine broke into small parts. Dr. Peter was shocked, he slapped Winner. Winner punches on his nose & he caught him. he said " electronic devices work better then Humans because they are more charged then Human body ". Winner starred at the television, it got attracted towards Dr. Peter. Dr. Peter was shocked. the television got stabbed on his face & Dr. Peter died at the spot. Winner saw Udhay Rathore hiding behind a chair, he caught him. Udhay was shocked, Winner informed him that as per his research Dhiren Kelkar had bullied his son, Raju Rathore many times & Raju had committed suicide recently, probably because of Dhiren's bullies. Udhay confessed that his son was bullied by Dhiren Kelkar & even after complaining to the college authority, Dhiren never stopped billing his son so he used Mechanical Helper to kill him. Winner starred at a glass jhar, the glass jhar rose up & it got stabbed on Udhay's head. he starred the fan & it fell on Udhay's shoulder. Udhay died at the spot. suddenly Sprita senses, she shots a explosive marble at Winner's feet. Winner punched on her face, Devika's nose started bleeding. suddenly he realised that she is a member of Team Righteous & she was against Dr. Peter. he said " stay away from me, i hate Team Righteous, you all are fools, mind your business & let me do what i am doing "
Winner slapped Devika, he told her that these injuries will always remind her that she & her team members are week & they failed to catch him. Winner gave a last warning to Devika, he told her that Team Righteous should always remember that they are against the most powerful man of the world. then Winner escaped from there.
On the other hand, Zafar & his group was ready to destroy Hariyali Restaurant. Barbosa, Hamid & Shahid were ready to proceed as per their plan. Zafar told Hamid & Shahid that destruction is enjoyment & weapons are the path towards enjoyment. Shahid told Zafar that he wants to kill every citizen of Sakha Nagar & the deaths in the Hariyali Restaurant will be a beginning of a huge destruction. Shahid thought that these deaths will prove that Zafar is the most powerful man in the world. Zafar was exited to watch the helpless faces of Colonel Amitesh Rajput & DCP Veer Bakshi.

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