Team Righteous : undefeated Monster

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     Andy Joseph was having dinner with his younger brother – Arthur Joseph. Andy was a rich businessman & Arthur was a college student, he was pursuing a degree in marketing from a well known college. Arthur was also a expert cook. They were enjoying the dinner, suddenly the two headed Monster broke the main door & entered the bungalow. Andy & Arthur were shocked. A carpet made of Lion’s skin was lying on the floor. Monster caught Andy & slammed him on the carpet. Arthur was shocked. He attacked Monster. Monster punched Arthur’s face, his forehead got stabbed with the wall. He got seriously injured. Monster scratched Andy’s chest with his sharp nails. He strangled Andy & killed him. Monster slammed Andy’s dead body twice on the floor. Arthur was shocked. Andy’s body was completely motionless. Arthur was not able to believe that the two headed Monster killed Andy. Monster entered the kitchen, he broke the kitchen wall & escaped from there. This was the darkest moment of Arthur’s life. Some of his neighbours reached there, all were shocked. There were bloodstains all over the house. One of the neighbours called CID. Soon ACP Pratap & his team reached at the spot & they started the investigation. Senior Inspector Ajay was shocked when he saw the condition of Andy’s body. He had never seen such violent murderer in his life. Arthur was in deep shock. ACP Pratap started interrogating him. Arthur told him that Andy was a businessman & he was like his best friend, who use to always solve his problems. ACP Pratap asked him about Andy’s friends. Arthur informed him that Andy had many friends since college days. He gave all the information about Andy’s friends to ACP Pratap. ACP Pratap asked Arthur, which type of products Andy use to prefer. Arthur informed ACP Pratap that Andy use to prefer designer clothes, advanced gadgets & once Andy had purchased a carpet made of lion’s Skin, he use to like to try new things. ACP Pratap saw the carpet. He asked Arthur, from where did Andy bought the carpet. Arthur told ACP Pratap that, Andy had purchased this carpet from Ranvijay Bhatt. ACP Pratap was shocked, he told Arthur that Ranvijay was a illegal businessman & a Hunter. Arthur was shocked when he came to know that Ranvijay use to hunt animals & he use to make carpets from animal skin, he use to earn large amount of profits by selling such carpets. Suddenly Mr. Righteous, Gorilla, Kapi, Miss Valorous, Shakti, Spirita, Hausla, Mr. Brawny, Tivrika, Miss Righteous & Master Might reached at the spot. Gorilla showed DCP Veer’s permission letter to ACP Pratap & he allowed them to investigate at the crime spot. Pavan felt that Monster is physically very strong because he had broken the kitchen wall, to escape from there. Kapi & Tivrika checked Andy’s dead body, there were number of injuries on his body. Detective Vikas felt that Andy must have gone through extreme pain, when he was attacked by the Monster. Mr. Righteous interrogated Arthur, he came to know that Andy had purchased a carpet made of Lion’s skin from Ranvijay Bhatt. He felt that there is some connection between Ranvijay, Andy & the Monster.
       Next Morning, Aerica Tennyson was having breakfast with her husband, Victor Tennyson. There was a carpet, made of tiger skin, laying on the floor in the hall. Few years ago, Aerica had purchased that carpet from Ranvijay Bhatt. Aerica & Victor were enjoying the breakfast, suddenly the two headed Monster broke the main door & entered the bungalow. Aerica & Victor were shocked. Victor use to think that the news about the two headed Monster is a rumour but he was shocked, when he actually saw the two headed hairy monster. The Monster attacks Aerica, he scratched her face twice with his sharp nails & slammed her on the floor. He roars like a lion. Victor attacked him. Monster pushed him with extreme force. Victor got seriously injured. Monster scratched Aerica’s arm with his sharp nails, Aerica begged for her life, there were tears in her eyes. She was not able to understand why did Monster attacked her. He strangled Aerica & killed her. He lifted Aerica’s dead body & slammed her on the floor. He scratched her face with his sharp nails. Suddenly Victor attacked Monster’s back with a baseball bat, his baseball bat broke in two. The Monster got angry, he starred in Victor’s eyes. He roared like a lion. Victor was shocked. Monster didn’t attacked Victor & ran towards the street. Some of Aerica’s neighbours reached at the spot. Victor tried to bring Aerica back to sense but he realised that she is dead. There were bloodstains all over. Coincidentally, Radhika was passing from there, she saw the two headed monster. She was shocked. She had kept a extra tracker in her bag, she took out the tracker & ran towards the Monster. When monster saw her, he roared like a lion. Radhika kicked his stomach hard. The monster caught her, Radhika pushed him. She secretly attached the tracker at his back. Monster ran towards a nearby street. His location was visible to all the members of Team Righteous, on their cell phone screens. After few minutes, the monster reached Street 73, the civilians were shocked. Unexpectedly Tivrika reached there, she attacked the monster. Great conflict took place between them. Soon Master Might, Mr. Brawny & Kapi reached there. The Monster slammed Tivrika on the street. Master Might attacked him. He injured Monster badly. Mr.Brawny & Kapi tied Monster’s hands with a metallic chain. Radhika reached there with Dr. Prem & Professor Amit. Dr. Prem injected a solution in Monster’s body to unconscious him. Soon the Monster lost his sense. Team Righteous had successfully trapped the Monster. Professor Amit calls DCP Veer. DCP Veer was happy to know that Monster is caught. He thanked Radhika, if she would have not met the Monster coincidentally then Team Righteous would have not trapped him.
      After some time, Pavan, Neeti, Hriday, Detective Vikas, Devika, Bheem, Dr. Prem, Radhika, Anjali, Inspector Vishvas, Devyanshi & DCP Veer reached at Professor Amit’s laboratory. Gulabo, Balvaan & Guruji were also present there. Monster was still unconscious. Professor Amit tested his blood sample. He conformed that the Monster is a human mutant but he was not able find, How does Monster has two heads. He told them that, he has seen such humans who have six fingers but he has never seen a creature, who has two heads. Suddenly the Monster senses. He breaks the chain tied on his wrists. He attacked Gulabo. He twisted her right arm & slammed her on the floor. Gulabo got seriously injured. Guruji attacked him. Monster punched his chest with extreme force. Pavan, Senior Inspector Vishvas & Hriday attacked him. He slammed them on the floor. DCP Veer shots at his arm. Monster punched his face. DCP Veer lost his sense. He injured Detective Vikas, Devika, Bheem, Dr. Prem, Radhika, Anjali, Inspector Vishvas & Devyanshi. Neeti was shocked, suddenly he punched her face, she faints. Monster escaped from there. After sometime, DCP Veer senses, he was at Dr. Prem’s Private Clinic. Dr. Prem was injured, still he treated all the members of Team Righteous as well as himself. He had bought all of them at his private clinic with the help of Guruji.
Suddenly Sukhwinder calls Anjali, he reminds Anjali that today they have to go to her cousin’s birthday party. Anjali’s right leg had got injured. She was going through extreme pain, she was not in a condition to attend the birthday party but she told Sukhwinder that she will reach home on time & then they will go to her cousin’s birthday party. Sukhwinder told Anjali that Raveena has already purchased a beautiful gift for her cousin. Anjali had to hide her injuries & pain from her family during the birthday party, the task was tough for her. Pavan told Anjali that she has to try her best to hide her injuries & pain from others & he was sure that she can complete the task with ease. Anjali attended her cousin’s birthday party, she danced with others, everyone enjoyed a lot. No one realised that Anjali was injured & there was extreme pain behind her smile.
On the other hand, ACP Pratap investigated at Aerica Tennyson’s bungalow. Victor informed him that Aerica had purchased a carpet made of tiger’s skin from Ranvijay Bhatt. ACP Pratap was shocked, Monster was murdering the citizens one by one & he was completely helpless in this situation. He informed about it to DCP Veer Bakshi. DCP Veer studied the modus operandi of Monster. He came to know that Ranvijay Bhatt, a illegal businessman & a Hunter, was the first person, who was killed by the Monster. Andy Joseph, was the second person, who was killed by the Monster & Aerica Tennyson, was the most recent person, who is killed by the Monster. It was clear that Monster is targeting such citizens, who were in contact of Ranvijay Bhatt. Andy & Aerica, both had purchased the carpet, made of animal skin, from Ranvijay. DCP Veer instructed ACP Pratap to collect all the information about Ranvijay’s business & his customers. It was important for them to reach till Ranvijay’s customers. CID Officers met all the Friends & family members of Ranvijay Bhatt, they interrogated Ranvijay’s wife, Mihika once again but all in vain. Ranvijay use to hunt animals secretly & his family members & friends were not aware about his illegal business. ACP Pratap checked Ranvijay’s laptop & cell phone, he was unable to find any records of the illegal carpets sold by him. Ranvijay had not kept any record of the products sold by him. The two headed monster remained a mystery.
          On the other hand, Jagmit misplaced his favourite pen, he was searching it all-around his bungalow. He searched it even at his younger sister, Aarshiya’s drawer. He didn’t found his lucky pen but he found a packet of drugs in Aarshiya’s drawer. At the first, he was confused, then he showed the packet to his younger brother, Dilmit, who was a student of medical science. Dilmit conformed that the white power in the packet is cocaine drugs. Jagmit & Dilmit were not able to believe that they have found a packet of cocaine drugs in Aarshiya’s drawer. Jagmit decided to reach till the truth. He saw the social media profile of Detective Vikas.  Detective Vikas’s contact number was available on his profile. He calls him & they fixed a meeting.
       After sometime, Detective Vikas visited Jagmit’s bungalow. Jagmit said that he suspects that his sister, Aarshiya is taking drugs. He showed Detective Vikas the packet of drugs, which was kept in Aarshiya’s drawer. Detective Vikas advised Jagmit to register a police complaint & make sure that Aarshiya is punished. Jagmit told him that he has found cocaine drugs from Aarshiya’s drawer but he is confident that Aarshiya will never take drugs. He was sure that Aarshiya is not an drug addict. There were lots of confusions in his mind, that’s way he contacted Detective Vikas to discover the truth. He told him to find, whether Aarshiya is actually a drug addict or not. He use to believe that she is innocent & may be, she had kept the packet of cocaine drugs in her drawer by mistakenly.  Detective Vikas ensured him that he will try his best to discover the truth. Jagmit pays the 50% amount of Detective Vikas’s fees & he ensured him that he will pay the remaining amount once he discovers the truth.
        Detective Vikas started working on Aarshiya’s case. He tapped Aarshiya’s Phone calls & he started keeping an eye on her. He came to know that Aarshiya studies at MGR college. He collected all the information about MGR college. He came to know that Mr. Amandeep – the trustee of MGR College, use to meet Aarshiya & various other students after the college. He disguised as a journalist & he fixed an appointment with Mr. Amandeep. He took Mr. Amandeep’s interview in his cabin, at MGR College. He convinced some students to share their experience of studying at MGR College. He secretly chased Mr. Amandeep till some days & kept an eye on his every action.
        Once Amandeep met Shilpi at Green Palace restaurant, Detective Vikas was also present in the same restaurant. He was observing them from a safer distance. He was unable to listen them. Shilpi gave a suitcase to Amandeep & she was about to leave. Vikas stood up & he moved towards her, he
Deliberately collides with Shilpi & he attached a mini tracker on her handbag. Then he apologizes to Shilpi and leaves. Amandeep & Shilpi use to meet at Green Palace restaurant once in a week & Detective Vikas use to visit Green Palace restaurant in different disguises to keep an eye on them. Finally he collected all the evidences to prove that Aarshiya is a drug edict. Detective Vikas chased Shilpi for some days & he came to know that she use to produce cocaine drugs at her private field & she was in contact of Mr. Amandeep from a long time. He had recorded all the cell phone conversations of Mr. Amandeep & Shilpi. Mr. Amandeep & Shilpi use to encourage some of the students of MGR College to take cocaine drugs. The students use to purchase cocaine drugs from  Mr. Amandeep. Number of students had got addicted to cocaine drugs because of them. They were ready to pay any amount to Amandeep for cocaine. Aarshiya was also addicted to cocaine drugs like various other students. Detective Vikas enlisted the names of such students, who were addicted to cocaine drugs. He came to know that Dilmit, Jagmit & Aarshiya’s brother, was also a student of MGR College but he was not a drug addict like his sister. Mr. Amandeep was Dilmit’s idol. Dilmit was completely unaware about the dark secrets of Mr. Amandeep. Detective Vikas came to know that Mr. Amandeep has trapped some selected students of MGR College, who are ready to charge him any amount for cocaine drugs.
       After some days, Detective Vikas met Jagmit & he presented, Aarshiya’s call records & her pictures, while she was meeting Mr. Amandeep. He had also clicked a picture of Aarshiya, while she was taking drugs with her friends, in Class room no. 6 of MGR College. All the drug addict Students use to meet at Class room no. 6 to take the drugs. Detective Vikas secretly recorded a video of these students. He presented all the evidences to Jagmit. Jagmit was shocked when he came to know that Aarshiya is a drug addict. Jagmit’s brother, Dilmit was shocked, when he came to know that number of students were drug addicts like Aarshiya. Jagmit thanked Detective Vikas for helping him. He immediately paid his remaining fees to him. Detective Vikas & Jagmit visited Sakha Nagar Police Station. They met Senior Inspector Raj. Detective Vikas presented various photos, cell phone recordings & video clips as evidence. Senior Inspector Raj arrested Jagmit & Dilmit’s sister – Aarshiya, Shilpi & Mr. Amandeep – the trustee of MGR College. Apart from them, he also arrested all the students, who were addicted to drugs. Senior Inspector Raj told Detective Vikas that he has done a commendable job, he was appointed by Jagmit to keep an eye on Aarshiya & while working on Aarshiya’s case, he exposed the secret of Shilpi & Mr. Amandeep. Senior Inspector Raj appreciated Detective Vikas. Detective Vikas told Mr. Amandeep, he should be ashamed of his sins, he was the trustee of MGR College, it’s his duty to show the right path to the students instead he use to encourage his students to take cocaine drugs. Number of students got addicted to cocaine drugs because of Amandeep & Shilpi. Shilpi use to cultivate cocaine at her private land & she use to supply it to Amandeep. Amandeep use to motivate the students of MGR College to take Cocaine drugs. Once students got addicted to drugs, Amandeep started selling cocaine to the selected students. These students had got addicted to drugs, they were ready to charge any amount for cocaine. Amandeep & Shilpi earned lots of profits by selling cocaine drugs to the innocent students of MGR college. The dark secrets of MGR college were exposed because of Detective Vikas.
        Next Morning, Constable Harjeet & Constable Ansha reached Sakha Nagar Police Station. Senior Inspector Raj introduced Constable Harjeet & Constable Ansha to Inspector Anil & Constable Harshita. Constable Harjeet & Constable Ansha were new junior constables appointed at Sakha Nagar Police Station. They were exited for their future life.

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