Team Righteous : Rise of Stormy

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Evidence plays the most important role to reach till the truth. There was no evidences found against the criminals like Bipin, Bhushan, Farhan & Aanchal. they were involved in a unethical business but Team Righteous & CID officers failed to gather any evidence against them.
One mysterious morning, Bipin Pawar was at his bungalow. suddenly a masked man broke the door, he entered in the bungalow. Bipin was shocked. the masked man attacked him. great conflict took place between them. at the end, Masked Man overpowered him. Bipin asked "who are you?". the masked man answered "Stormy, a storm coming towards the corrupt system of Sakha Nagar". Stormy tortured Bipin, he asked him about 'Zayaka spices'. after a painful torture, Bipin accepted that his company use to add artificial colours in all the spices, produced at his factory. he informed him that Farhan, Aanchal, Bhushan & Chief Minister Virendra Yadav use to help him in his business.
Stormy said " i know you are ready to answer every question of police officers during the interrogation". Bipin said " i am ready to surrender, please don't kill me, take me to the police station but please don't kill me ". Stormy said " i will not repeat the mistake done by Team Righteous".  suddenly Stormy strangled Bipin & escaped from there.
On the other hand, Bhushan & his wife, Purvi were watching television. suddenly Stormy broke the door, he entered in the house. Bhushan & Purvi were shocked. Stormy picked a chair, this was the most shocking moment. he hit Bhushan with the chair. Purvi was shocked. Stormy asked him about Bipin's unethical business. Bhushan accepted that
Farhan, Aanchal & Chief Minister Virendra Yadav are engaged in the business. Stormy ordered Bhushan to give him detail address of every person, who are involved in the crime. Bhushan immediately wrote the addresses of all his business partners, on a paper, then he handover the paper to Stormy. Bhushan requested  him to forgive him but Stormy killed him. Purvi was shocked, she attacks him. Stormy tied her hands with a rope, he informed her that he is 'Stormy', a dangerous storm for the entire System, he was fed up of Bhushan's crimes, so he killed him. he felt that nothing is wrong in killing a criminal. then he escaped from there.
On the other hand, Farhan was at his house. he was watching television with his wife, Aneela. suddenly all the lights turned off. they were surprised. someone knocked the door. Aneela opened the door. she was shocked, when she saw the watchman unconscious. she moved towards her room to call Farhan but it was too late. Farhan was already dead. lights turn on suddenly. she found something written on Farhan's shirt. there was a message written by Stormy, on Farhan's shirt. the message was for Farhan's family members. Stormy informed that 'He is a storm,  coming towards the corrupt system' through the written message. Aneela was shocked when she read the message. she immediately calls CID.
When Aneela was going through extreme grief, film actress, Aanchal Kapoor was listening rock music,  at her bungalow. suddenly a masked man broke the door & entered in her room. Aanchal was shocked. she started screaming but her maids & bodyguards didn't came there. the masked man asked her about 'Zayaka Spices'. Aanchal screamed " Alok, Shersingh, Kareena, Nidhi, where are you all? " the masked man told her that all the bodyguards, servants & maids of her bungalow are unconscious. Aanchal was shocked. she asked " who are you? what do you want? " the masked man answered " i am Stormy, i want to know that do you know,  there were harmful colours used in the products of  'Zayaka Spices' " Aanchal informed him that she don't know anything about the ingredients used in the spices made by 'Zayaka Spices'. Stormy asked her " do you use any product of 'Zayaka Spices". Aanchal informed him that she never prefers any product of 'Zayaka Spices'. suddenly Stormy shots her dead & escaped from there. after sometime, Aanchal's bodyguard senses. the watchman & maid were still unconscious. the bodyguard realised that the masked man - Stormy, steal his gun to kill Aanchal.
            On the other hand, Chief Minister Verendra Yadav was sleeping calmly. suddenly someone broke the window & entered in his room. Verendra was shocked. Verendra's bodyguards were standing outside his room. they heard the screams. they broke the door & entered in the room. they saw a masked man. the masked man attacked them. he attacks a bodyguard, he snatched his gun. other bodyguards were surprised, he merely fired at them. he caught Verendra & moved towards the terrace of his bungalow. he entered in the terrace & locked the door. the masked man informed Verendra that he is Stormy. Stormy asked him about Bipin Pawar's illegal business. Verendra lied that he don't know anything about it. Stormy tortured him. finally Verendra accepted his crime. suddenly Verendra's bodyguard broke the door & entered there. Stormy kept Verendra on the gunpoint, he used him as a sheld. he ordered all the bodyguards to keep their guns down. the bodyguards were helpless, Verendra was in danger. Stormy would have harmed him so, they  followed his instructions. he ordered one of the Verendra's bodyguard to give him the car keys of Verendra. Verendra requested his staff members to follow all the instructions of Stormy. a bodyguard gave him the car keys. Stormy & Verendra slowly moved out.
finally Stormy came out of the bungalow. Verendra showed him the path towards his car. one of the Verendra's bodyguards shots at Stormy but
by mistakenly his bullet killed Verendra. all were shocked. Stormy escaped from there in Verendra's car. his bodyguards tried to chase him but they failed.
On the other hand, Pavan Ahuja reached at his bungalow, he was seriously injured. he removed the mask, he kept the black suit of 'Stormy' in his cupboard. when Pavan failed to gathered any evidences against the corrupt suspects involved in the case, he disguised as 'Stormy' to punish them. he had not even informed about it to Team Righteous. after sometime, DCP Veer calls him, he informed him that a mysterious man called 'Stormy' has killed Bipin Pawar, Chief Minister Virendra Yadav, Farhan, Aanchal Kapoor & Bhushan. Pavan told DCP Veer that he will try his best to find 'Stormy'. Pavan disguised as Mr.Righteous & moved towards the crime spot. Team Righteous checked all the crime locations but even they failed to find anything useful. Pavan was well aware about the process of investigation, so he did not left his fingerprints or footprints anywhere. he used a black mask, which was made by himself. he did not carried his mobile phone, wristwatch or any other thing with him. he created a new personality, known as 'Stormy', to misguide Police department & Team Righteous.
Two months passed, Police department & Team Righteous worked hard, they tried their best but they were not able to find the most wanted criminal - 'Stormy'. all were unaware about the truth that 'Stormy' was working with them, he was present during the investigation as 'Mr. Righteous', no one suspected Pavan Ahuja.

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